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Fuck, sometimes I forget how good it feels to sunbathe.

Leisurely lying softly on the carpet and curtains drawn with the sun heating my skin, this is what heaven feels like. I normally don't wear clothes besides boxers for modesty since my mom checks up on me now and then.

Sighing contently, I didn't hesitate to fall asleep. Besides sunbathing, taking a nap is my second favorite thing to do, just because I'm an early bird doesn't mean I'm not lazy.


I startled myself awake with my own purring but realized a hand was deliciously scratching between my ears and fuck I live for this. Raising my head off the floor I leaned further into the touch and felt myself drooling a little bit, I didn't even realize another hand started to scratch beneath my chin and holy shit I feel like I'm in paradise.

"Gosh, you're so cute." The person mumbled and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

I scrambled away from the touch no matter how badly I wanted it until my back slammed against my bed, the vibrations still pulsed through my body as I stared wide-eyed at the one person I swore not to tell.

"You're not supposed to be here," I whispered in fear, tightly wrapping my tail around my waist and flattening my ears.

Gerard winced and sighed, "I know, I'm sorry. The front door was unlocked and your mom's not here so I just thought I'd find you and I...yeah, I should've called."

"Were you ever going to tell me?" He said above a whisper.

I held back a whimper and shook my head, "No."

Hurt flashed through his eyes but he blinked and it was gone, his lips tugging down into a frown, "Why not?"

"Because I didn't want you to think I was a freak." I spat out, feeling anger boil in my stomach.

I've met a fair share of people growing up telling me I was a freak, a nobody, I didn't want Gerard to be one of them. I hastily tugged on sweats and a beanie when he didn't say anything, his posture stiff and nonmoving. The vibrations finally stopped and I felt closure but I couldn't stop myself from crumbling to the ground, knees slamming on the plush carpeting, and a new set of vibrations pulsed through me.

"I don't think you're a freak, Frankie," Gerard whispered, his hazel eyes filled with sorrow as our eyes met.

Tears spilled down my face and my body went limp when he took me in his arms. I didn't stop him from taking off my hat and fuck, even though I'm crying I'm not gonna deny pets. Gerard cooed at the soft purrs I started to let out and I felt myself calming down, sniffling and loosening my hands that held tightly to his shirt.

Silence fell over us and I was ok with that. I know we still have to talk about the whole situation but it can wait just a little while longer, I just hope my mom doesn't come home any time soon.


An hour passed and Gerard and I are cuddled up on my bed, both of his hands occupied with one nestled in my hair and one caressing my tail. I traded in the sweats for a slightly big shirt so I wasn't almost naked and Gerard thought my tail was just the cutest once he saw it so I don't mind that he's playing with it. I didn't have to tell Gerard to keep it a secret, he beat me to it with a pinkie promise and I cried just a little bit because of it.

I mumbled tiredly when I felt myself being shaken awake, when did I fall asleep?

"Frankie," a voice whispered, "wake up."

My body stretched instinctively and a low grumble, which sounded like something a cat would make being woken up, vibrated my throat. My hand curled tightly onto the first thing my fingers felt, which happened to be a shirt, and the person chuckled as I cuddled closer if that was even possible.

"Come on little one, I'm sorry to wake you but your mom texted." I hummed dryly before letting go of the shirt and sitting up, a yawn forcing my mouth open.

The person or Gerard now that I realize, sat up as well and handed me my phone. I rubbed my eyes sleepily and cringed at the bright light my phone emitted once I turned it on but quickly changed the setting and eyed the grey notification of a text message my mom sent me forty minutes ago.

"Staying at a friend's for a few days or longer, Donna will be checking up on you since I'm gone. Love you sweetie ❤️ and make sure you behave!"

"So, I guess we don't have to worry about your mom for a while." I nodded at Gerard's words and handed him my phone.

Another yawn slipped past my lips but it was cut short by Gerard who gingerly started to scratch my head again, it took a while for the purring to kick in since I just woke up. I leaned in closer and felt my hands lightly knead the closest thing to them, which was Gerard's thigh but he didn't seem to mind and only brought up his other hand underneath my chin, causing just a small amount of drool to dribble past my lips.

"Mhmm, you're gonna make me fall asleep again," I mumbled quietly but somehow Gerard heard and stopped, causing me to whine.

Gerard rolled his eyes and laughed, "Come on sleeping beauty, let's get something to eat."

My ears perked at that and I was immediately wide awake, causing Gerard to laugh more before getting off my bed. I followed instantly and grabbed him by his hand before tugging him out of my room.

I know we still got stuff to talk about but food was more important, maybe, just maybe, some secrets were meant to be found out.

𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙠𝙞𝙩(𝙩𝙚𝙣) Where stories live. Discover now