draken as a father

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When they just started dating, Draken was not very expressive with you, so you felt that he was with you just to be and say that he is dating someone

the more the months go by draken each time he showed you more how much he loved you, one day you began to have dizziness and nausea and you were like this for a few days, drakens and he stayed with you all the time to see that you were well and mikey came to see you

After a few days feeling like this, you decided to go to a doctor because you thought that was not normal, Draken preferred to wait for you outside since he does not like doctors very much.

When you left after receiving the news that you were pregnant you ran towards him hugging him very hard, he asked you what they had told you, to which you answered "now you will have to take care of one more of us" he understood immediately and began to laugh with joy and I gave you the hug

After leaving the hospital they went directly to Mikey to tell him the great news they both had, at first mikey got a little jealous since he would have to share Draken with someone else but later he thought about it and realized that it would be uncle for What immediately touched your belly and told you "Ii isn't a lie? I swear I'll be the best uncle in the world, I'll teach him to fight and other things"

During pregnancy Draken fulfilled each of your cravings and I take care of you as if you were a queen, every night he laid his head on your belly and whispered things to the baby, it shows that he was looking forward to it

When ToMan found out they congratulated them and made a mini party among them to celebrate that they would all be the baby's "uncles" and they also started fighting if it was a boy or a girl but they all reached an agreement that it does not matter if it was a boy or a girl a name similar to that of baji keisuke in his honor

and finally the day of delivery had arrived, draken when noticing the contractions took you quickly to the hospital and when everything was ready they told him that he also had to come to help you

in the end they ended up running from the place and left him waiting outside with ToMan's waiting for everything to go well

When it was all over and the ToMan were able to come in to see how you were, you were half lying down with a baby in your arms, you could see on your face that you were tired so they quickly made you happy promising that they would come back tomorrow while the doctors took you away baby to see that everything was alright

Draken never left your side, and when you fell asleep he was the one who had to look for the baby to have him close to the mother, when you woke up and saw Draken playing with his son's little hands, it was the most tender image What have you seen, when they let them leave the hospital they went straight to the house so that you could rest better while he saw how to take care of the child

that was the best day for everyone

it was a lovely little girl, they named her "Ryūguji suke" Ryūguji of course because it draken's last name and suke it's a abbreviation for the name keisuke in name of baji keisuke, in fact she also was a lot like him, when se was angry or haven't eat she will find a way to scape home and burn some abandoned cars, everyone thinks that kazutora and chifuyu teach her how to do that

when ToMan discovered it was going to be a girl they celebrated an entire day, and start organizing who is gonna teach her how to figh, how to ride a motorcicle and other thing, they literaly came everyday to your house just to see the baby

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