Chapter 11: Astrid VS Chris (Part I)

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"No! My boba!" Hwa Hae Ji whined before Ratu took the money that she betted on.

"Sweet." The red haired boy counted the money, won by won. Like taking candy from a babe. Ratu smirked. Wait til Ruben finds out about this.

"You heard it folks! Faim has been declared the winner. It's rare for the combatants to come to a draw and even rarer for the judges to make a unanimous vote." Johnathan said.

"That's not all Johnathan, it seems that Faim has made quite an impression." Eleanor added as the screen showed Ximo whistle, Mewmi and a couple of new fans shout FA-EEM while others shouted FAYM. "Up next in the Magic Division, Astrid Matsumoto and Chris will fight in the Arena. Later, in the Melee Division, Hwa Hae Ji versus June Lily. Two girls with a common goal, a battle for the siblings."

Stay tuned ladies and gentlemen after the commercial break.

Stay tuned ladies and gentlemen after the commercial break

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The combatants got out of the arena, and by the time Herring returned to the room where the other competitors were before Hae Ji punched on his dislocated shoulder. "Ahh!" Herring winced from the pain. "Ow."

"You owe me won!" Hae Ji snapped at him like an angry ex before she swung her scythe, nearly decapitating him. Just when she readied her scythe to swing, Faim grabbed the handle under the blade and stopped.

"That's enough, he's not worth it." Faim said as he looked at Herring with indifference. Hwa Hae Ji lowered her scythe before he saw Faim walk away.

The girl with the headscarf looks pretty too." Herring trailed on.

"That's my sister you're talking about." Faim's lopsided smile dropped.

"I know. She's really something." Herring displayed a devious smirk as he looked at where Eimy was seated."Though she's not really my type. I'm not into the typical domineering housewife."

"Watch it." The blonde fighter glared at Herring as he took a step closer, though the young fisherman's nonchalant expression riled him up even more.

"I don't blame you, I'd be overprotective too if I had a beautiful sister like her." Herring walked closer. "If this was a duel for her hand, I'd have no problem taking her off your hands."

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