Chapter 17: Shadow 🆚️ Stella

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"That must be really difficult." Stella commented while she finished taking notes.

"You have no idea." Haeji replied.

"My colleague spends time fabricating formulas, antidotes and weaponry. If I could get a blood sample from your brother, Micah could find a cure for his illness." Stella told her.

"You really mean that?" Haeji asked her while Mochi squinted at Stella surreptitiously.

"There's no harm in trying. By the way, if you want me to unlock the EMCuff that you're wearing, let me know." Stella walked away before she heard the announcement.

"Up next, Shadow Vividstripe versus Stella Spacey!" Eleanor announced as Baci Llus got back to wake Micah up from her nap.

"Micah! Micah, wake up!" Baci Llus shook the Amoebian from her slumber. 

"I'm up! I'm up! Did I miss anything?" Micah drawled as she stretched her short limbs before wiping the crusted mucus from her eyes.

"Is Stella's turn to fight." He reminded her.

"Well this will be entertaining." Micah said in her usual monotonic voice.

Stella readied her galactic gun, her deactivated sabre and lipstick laser in case she needed it while Shadow towered over the Izarian, "Good luck, you're going to need it." Shadow licked her sharp teeth, saliva secreting poison, inches away from sinking her teeth to alien flesh before snapping her jaw shut.

"Thanks, good luck to you too." Stella said as she felt the Indoraptor breathing down her neck for a brief second before she turned around to see a pale looking human with long flowing purple hair and piercing green eyes with a bow casually slung across her back and a thick tome labeled Scary Tales sticking out of a pouch at her belt. It had a creepy green grin painted on the cover. If Shadow's human skin tone were two shades grayer, and she would've been a foot taller in stature, Stella could've sworn that Shadow could pass as an Izarian herself.

"Well, wouldn't want to keep the others waiting." Shadow said while Stella watched her walk out to the open space for the audience to see before she reverted back to the Indoraptor form. The crowd cheered while Blue, Indy, Ripper and Suzanne were cheering her on. Marie was in awe by Shadow's transformation, Lizzy clapped at the Indoraptor's debut while Adrian maintained his stoic posture, as solid as a stone statue.

"WOOOOOO! Shadow!" Blue hollered while Indy hovered above the tasty looking humans.

"That's my sister!" Ripper cheered.

"I can almost taste the three thousand hands." Suzanne mused, licking her sharp teeth while Indy looked at the black Indoraptor holding another large bowl of blood for a second then snorted.

"You already drank three bowls of blood and you're still hungry?" Indy raised her eyebrow. 

"Well yeah." Suzanne said before slurping on the bowl of blood.

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