Chapter 2

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Brittany has been to her therapy sessions for about 5 weeks now. Today was her 6th week and she really thinks it's been helping her, she hasn't had a panic attack in 3 weeks. Her ribs were healing good as well as the stitches on her head. She was finally able to use her right hand again and walk without limping. She walked into the hospital and went to the third floor to the brunette's office. Once she got there she knocked on the door and the door was opened almost instantly. 

"Hey Brittany, come on in." Santana smiled. Brittany just stood there looking at the Latina in front of her taking in her appearance in a way she never saw before. She saw Santana's right arm half tattoo sleeve and left arm tattoo sleeve. Just seeing that made Brittany more infatuated with the brunette. "Britt?" Santana called out to her. 

"Y- yeah, I'm sorry your uh tattoos kinda threw me off guard." Brittany timidly said. 

"Oh, yeah there usually hidden by the long sleeves I wear under my scrubs, feels unprofessional," Santana explained. 

"I understand, is there any reason why you're not wearing your scrubs right now?" Brittany asked.

"Yes, we are going to try something different today if that's okay with you" Santana answered. 

"Of course, anything is good." 

"Great! Lemme just get my jacket and we'll go." Santana said getting her leather jacket. The two girls walked to the parking lot and Brittany was confused as to why they weren't getting in any cars. Her eyes widened when she saw Santana walking up to her motorcycle, and taking her helmet giving the blonde. Brittany wondered if the brunette can get any hotter. 

"Have you ever ride on one before?" Santana asked. 

"N- no." Brittany stuttered. 

"If you're scared we won't." Santana could see her nerves. 

"I'm a little scared but I wanna try," Brittany said with confidence. Santana smiled and hopped on her motorcycle, she looked at Brittany and pat on the seat behind her. "No helmet for you?" the blonde asked. 

"No, you'll need it more than me." Santana smiled. Brittany nodded and put on the helmet and hopped on the bike, nearly fell but Santana steadied her. "Are you okay?" the blonde nodded and smiled. 

"Okay, hold on."

Brittany circled her arms around the brunette's waist and felt an electric shock as did the Latina. Santana stiffened as she felt the shock, but she pushed her thoughts away and started the bike, and checked in with the blonde one more time and they were off to wherever Santana was taking them. Brittany tightened her arms around Santana's waist and closed her eyes, breathing in and out. 

After 15 minutes they came to a stop and Brittany finally opened her eyes with her arms around the Latina tightly. "y'know you can let go now" Santana giggled. 

"Oh sorry" Brittany stood up so quickly she nearly fell again, "whoa there Britt, you okay?" Santana steadied her. 

"Yeah, I'm pretty clumsy at times" Brittany shuffling her foot on the ground. 

"You're cute," Santana giggled with an adoring look on her face. 

Brittany felt her cheeks getting flushed, "so um what are we doing here?" the blonde as she followed Santana to a bench, ignoring the bushes and weird environment. 

"Right, when I was 20 I started using drugs, I thought it was a one-time thing but it became the only thing that kept me going throughout the day. It started when my mom told me, my dad, and my brother she has stage 3 cancer. It really took a toll on us, for me, it was like my whole life had just blown up. I dropped out of med school and went to a bar and there were these dealers one of them happened to be a good friend of mine and he hooked me and after a few weeks, I couldn't stop. The first person to notice was my mom, I can still remember what she said to me "mija qué estás haciendo a ti mismo?" She passed away the year after, my dad and brother confronted me a few weeks after and asked me if doing drugs and I denied it at first but since my dad is a doctor he wanted to give me a drug test, and when I took the test obviously I wasn't clean so he signed me up for rehab. When he left the room I decided to run out and I found this place where no one comes or knows about. I planted a flower tree in honor of my mom since she really loved to garden. I stayed here literally every night since I had pack some clothes and just go shower at my best friend's house even slept if I was completely out of it, there was a point when I went back home and told my dad I was clean and when tested me I was clean since it left my system but it didn't last for long." Santana's voice started to crack, Brittany placed her hand on the Latina's for support, "it was a month since my mom passed and I still couldn't believe it so I took every single drug possible and I overdosed, my best friend Mercedes and my brother found me that day in her living room and she rushed me to the hospital and ever since that I just knew I had to get clean, seeing the look on her face, my dad, and brother it left me broken so I went to rehab for a year and finished the rest of my two years of med school and the rest is history." 

The Latina had calmed down a bit and focused back on the blonde, "so the reason why I brought you here is because you need to let go of all the hurt, agony, or pain you are feeling or keeping inside. Your friends told me what happened to your parents and it's the reason for your panic attacks. There's this tree where I channel my anger," Santana got up and motioned the lawyer to follow in which she did. She was surprised when she pulled out a bat from a bush. "When I came out of rehab, the first thing I did was come here with this baseball bat and started hitting this tree with everything I had." Brittany looked over to the tree and saw it was nearly destroyed but still intact. 

"So Ms. Pierce take this bat and channel your pain, and anger" the doctor holding out the bat to her. The blonde was hesitant at first but gave in and took the bat. She looked at the tree and gave it a weak hit. 

"Come on Britt, you can do better than that," the brunette encouraged, "close your eyes don't think about anything else but what keeps you hurting." 

Brittany closed her eyes and took a deep breath, all that came to her mind was her parent's accident and everything she's been keeping in. She opened her eyes and starting hitting the tree with more force, she didn't feel the tears streaming down her face, she screamed while taking her anger out. After a few more hits Brittany dropped to her knees and sobbed loudly. Santana rushed to her side and comforted the blonde. "That's it, Britt, let it all out I'm here." 

The two girls sat there until Brittany calmed down and dozed off, Santana looked down at the sleeping blonde in her lap and stroked her blonde hair with a little smile. Santana knew she shouldn't be having feelings for her patient like this but she couldn't help it, she thought it was a silly crush a week ago but it wasn't. All she knew is she wasn't going to rush things, she didn't know if Brittany felt the same but right now all Brittany needs is a friend. Santana checked her watch and saw it was getting pretty late. She ran her fingers up and down Brittany's arm, "hey Britt wake up," she giggled when she heard the blonde groaned and had a pout on her face. She decided to leave the blonde to rest a little more. 

An hour later Brittany woke up and turned to see a Latina above her resting her head against the tree she had assaulted a few hours ago. Santana felt Brittany stir in her lap and opened her eyes looking at the blonde staring right back at her, Brittany blushed and looked back to the ground. Santana smiled, "ready to go pouty?" 

Brittany laughed and nodded, they both got up and headed to Santana's motorcycle, Brittany seemed more confident riding on the bike. She laid her head on the Latinas back and they took in the LA cool breeze. 

Santana stopped in front of the lawyer's house, "thank you for today, it really helped" Brittany said as she got off. 

"It's no biggie, always there for a friend," Santana replied. 

"Also thanks for trusting me with your story," 

"Thank you for listening," 

Both girls kept there's eyes locked with beaming smiles, their moment was cut short when they heard someone loudly clear their throat, the blonde and brunette looked over and saw Quinn with her arms crossed. "I better head in, before mama bear scolds me" she glared at the shorter blonde at the door. "Thank you again, Santana," Brittany leaned in closer and kissed the Latina on the cheek. 

Santana's smile got even bigger her jaw started the hurt, "see you soon Britt." She watched  Brittany walk into the house and put on her helmet speeding off with the biggest smile. 

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