Chapter 1

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Santana Lopez was awakened by her pager going off like crazy, she groaned and rolled over and answered it. 


"Dr. Lopez sorry for calling you so late but we got a woman who was in a huge car accident and we need you to come in quickly." the nurse said. 

"I'm on my way," Santana went into the bathroom and washed her face, tied her hair up into a messy bun, and threw on her scrubs, and rushed out the door and into her car, thanking there was no traffic. She got to the UCLA medical center within 10 minutes. She saw one of the nurses and they went straight into the ER. 

"Who is she and what are her injuries? " Santana putting on her surgical gown. 

"Her name is Brittany Pierce, she a lawyer and she was knocked up pretty bad, 3 broken ribs, sprained her left leg, and her right hand is fractured, and a deep cut on her head, she's been in and out of consciousness" the nurse replied. 

Santana was stunned and got to work right away. 3 hours later and the surgery was successful, thankfully. Santana disposed of her surgical gown, mask, and gloves. 

Santana walked out of the ER and spoke to the nurse, "is there any family here for her?" 

"No ma'am, we checked her records and both of her parents are deceased and no siblings or aunts or uncles at all," the nurse said.

"Wow okay uh-," Santana got cut off by a blonde and brunette walking up to her. 

"Excuse me?" the blonde said. 


"Are you the doctor who performed surgery on Brittany?" the blonde asked. 

"Yes I am, and may I ask who you are?" Santana replied. 

"I'm Quinn and this is Marely we're friends of Brittany" Quinn introduced herself and the brunette. 

"Okay by any chance does she have any family left?" Santana asking to be sure. 

"No she doesn't, she just has us," Quinn said with a sad smile. 

"I'm very sorry to hear that but her surgery was successful and she resting now but whenever she wakes up I'll make sure the nurse comes to you," Santana said. 

"Thank you so much, Dr.-?" 

"Lopez and you're welcome," Santana smiled and walked away. 

Santana was on her way to her office when she sees her little brother, "hey Jake what are you doing here?" 

"Umm my shift," Jake said in the most obvious way. 

"It's 6 already?!" 

"Yeah sis, you should get home and get some rest," Jake stated. 

"Hmm I wish but my shift starts in an hour so I'm gonna just go lay on my couch," she said tiredly. Jake nodded and walked to his office.

Santana laid on her couch and set her alarm for 6:50 am and shut her eyes for a second until she heard frantic knocking on the door and her pager. The brunette shot up and asked, "what the hell is going on!!?" 

"Brittany's heart rate is going through the roof ma'am," 

Santana burst into the ignoring Quinn and Marley and rushed to Brittany's side and trying to calm her down, "okay okay Brittany come on stay with me if you can hear me please follow my voice, can you do that?"

It seemed to be working because her heart rate was going back to normal, "just follow my voice Brittany don't focus on anything else but my voice." The blonde's heart rate was now normal and Santana let out a deep sigh she didn't know she was holding in. 

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