Chapter 5

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It was the end of Santana's shift but she was walking to her dad's office, when she got there she saw her brother and dad having dinner. 

"Mija, did you have dinner yet?" her dad Antonio asked. 

 "Uh no not yet, I came to ask a question," she replied. 

"Of course,"

"Why was my assistant Maria fired?" she asked

"I fired her because she withheld important information due to many patients," her dad explained. 

Santana stood there shocked, but she wasn't surprised. She always thought something was always up with that girl. Santana nodded and walked out of the office. While walking to her office she saw a charming blonde waiting for her. 

"Hey you," Santana smiled. 

Brittany timidly replied, "Hey!" 

Santana and Brittany's relationship has been going great, they 3 dates and it was perfect. They've gotten close and could talk about anything. Santana was about to say something but got interrupted when Brittany saw her best friend Marley, "hey Marls what are you doing here, everything okay?" she asked concerned. 

Marley walked closer to the two girls, "Hey Britt, and yeah everything's great. I'm here waiting for my boyfriend." 

"Oh you two are official now huh," Brittany smirked. 

Marley said shyly, "yeah we are." Brittany was going to tell Santana all about Marley's new boyfriend but a doctor walked up to them.

"Jake, what are you doing here?" Santana asked. 

"I'm taking out my girlfriend," Jake smiled holding out his hand for Marley which she gladly took. 

"Wait hold on a second you're dating my brother?" Santana asks incredulously. 

"Um well uh I g-guess I am," Marley stuttered. 

"We're gonna go, see you later sis?" Jake asked, Santana just stood there dumbfounded nodded slowly. 

"Knew she was dating some guy Jake but didn't know it was your brother," Brittany said. 

Santana looked at the blonde and smiled, "it's okay, he deserves to be happy." The Latina and blonde walked into the office, Brittany sat down on the couch while Santana hung her lab coat and then walked over sitting down next to Brittany. 

"Not that I'm complaining but aren't you supposed to be at work?" Santana asked. 

"They let everyone out early today so I decided to come by," Brittany replied. 

"Good, because my shift had ended not too long ago, what do you wanna do?" the brunette asked. 

"I um actually wanted to ask you something that's kinda been on my mind," Brittany nervously said. 

"Well, what is it?" 

"It's about what you told me, your addiction" the blonde bit her lip scared of Santana's response. 

Santana's face softened and she placed her hand on top of the blondes, "you don't have you be nervous when asking me about it."

Brittany slightly smiled, "well um, I was wondering since you've been on this battle with addiction, isn't it hard to be around drugs every day?"

"It is when I told my friends and family I wanted to be a doctor they thought I would start using again but every time I had an urge I would call my sponsor and she would walk me through it. Even some people in my residency knew about it and didn't have any faith in me but I did what I had to do and it's got me this far." Santana confessed. 

"Tana' you are one of the strongest people I know and I will always believe in you no matter what," Brittany said.  

Santana sniffled and lifted her head and met Brittany's eyes, all she saw was truth and adoration. "I am so lucky to have you in my life, I never want to let you go," the brunette said honestly. 

Brittany smiled, "well good because you're stuck with me, I'm not letting you go either," 

Santana smiled, "since that's outta the way, I was wondering would you be my girlfriend?" 

"YES!" she yelled and then remembered they were still in the hospital, "oops my bad heh" 

Santana looked at her adoringly, "you are the cutest human I ever met." Brittany blushed looking away at the floor. 

 "Did you come with your car?" Santana asked. The blonde shook her head, "I wanted to ride on your bike again." 

"And you were so scared the first time, now you can't get enough," Santana laughed. "So you ready to go?" she added. 

Brittany nodded and they went to the parking lot got on the bike and rode off to the blonde's house. Santana and Brittany exchanged a goodnight kiss and went their separate ways. Both girls were thinking the same thing while falling asleep, them officially being girlfriends. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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