Chapter 3

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Santana was in her home office tidying it up since it was a complete mess, she shreds all the pointless paperwork she had, the Latina was about to shred the last paper she had until she saw what it was, a picture of her and her mom when she was about 5 years old. Santana tearfully smiled and sat on the floor staring at the photo. 

Her thoughts were gone when she heard the front door close, she left the photo on the top of her desk and headed downstairs. The brunette walked into the kitchen and saw her best friends Mercedes and Mike with takeout and ice cream. 

"Hey Tana," Mike smiled at the brunette. 

"Hey guys, what's all this?" she asked. 

"We know you would be busy cleaning today and we decided to come by and yknow feed yah," Mercedes said. 

"You guys are too good to me," 

"That we are but you'd do the same for us and might I mention you have," Mike replied. 

Mercedes and Mike were her childhood friends since pre-k, ever since then, they stuck together. Mike felt guilty when he wasn't there for Santana when she overdosed, he knew something was up with her but he couldn't do anything since he was on tour at the time, but he called her every day just to make sure she was okay. Ever since her overdose and rehab, they made Santana their number one priority with boundaries of course. They didn't want Santana to feel claustrophobic. When Santana bought her own house which was a year ago, she gave Mercedes and Mike a key since she trusted them with her life. 

"So Tana how about a movie night and junk food?" Mike asked. 

"Yes please, I really need that," she replied, as her phone rang, she answered it. 


"Hey Santana!" 

"Brittany hey! everything okay?" 

"Yeah, yeah everything fine just wondering what you're up to?" 

"Just about to have a lazy day with my friends, why?" 

"Oh, um well I kinda sorta wanted to hang out since I have nothing to do but you seem busy with your friends so I'll let you get back to it." Santana felt bad, she turned to Mercedes who mouthed "invite her" and saw Mike with a big grin and two thumbs up. 

"Wait Britt, why don't you come over and hang with us?" 

"Really? I don't want to intrude." 

"You won't I promise, plus you'll get a chance to meet my friends."

"Alright if your sure?" 

"Yes Britt I'm sure, I'll text you my address." 

"Okay, bye see you in a bit."

"Bye Britt."  Santana hung up the phone with a big grin plastered on her face. 

Mercedes laughed, "oh girlll you got it bad!" 

"Shut up Wheezy," Santana said still grinning. 

"So Satan, you going to ask her out any time soon?" Mercedes asked wiggling her eyebrows. 

"Honestly I don't even know, I mean Brittany just went through something traumatic and I want to be there for her as a friend and not fuck anything up," Santana replied. 

The singer sighed, "look I get that she just had an accident, but she's fine now and who was the one who made that happen? You Santana, that girl already adores you from the looks of it and I can't wait to meet her. Also, she could be very good for you." 

"Okay fine, but I just want to take this slow, I don't want to freak her out, " Santana said. 

Mercedes was about to reply but the doorbell rang, Mike went to the door and opened it seeing a tall blonde nervously tugging on the hem of her shirt. 

"Hi, I'm Mike!" 

"Hey nice to meet you, I'm Brittany!" the blonde smiled, Mike moved aside. Brittany took that as a sign to walk inside. 

Santana walked over to her and gave her a hug to which Brittany returned, "hope you didn't have any trouble getting here?" she asked reluctantly pulled away. 

"No it was pretty easy, and you don't like that far from me," Brittany replied. 

"Yeah, I forgot to mention that," she giggled. "Oh this is my other best friend Mercedes Jones." the Latina gesturing to the singer. 

"Wait Mercedes Jones, THE Mercedes Jones??" Brittany asked incredulously. 

"Yes, yes I am and I'm glad you've recognized me!" Mercedes strides over to the blonde giving her a hug. 

Brittany whispered a holy hell

Mercedes laughed, "We're gonna be great friends! I will go get the snacks with Mike while you two talk," she walked away and sent the Latina a wink. 

"How didn't you mention you were friends with Mercedes Jones?!" the blonde fangirled. 

Santana looked at the blonde and saw how incredibly adorable she is, "your too cute"

The blonde blushed and said a thank you

"So ahem, you ready for a lazy day?" Santana asked. 

"Yes! I've been sulking all day since Marley and Quinn are at work" the blonde replied. 

"When will you be heading back to work?" 

"I'm not quite sure yet, I haven't gotten the okay from my doctor yet," the blonde teased. 

"Right, I totally forgot, how about next week you come in for a visit and we'll do a checkup and I'll give you a date," the Latina stated. 

"Great thank you, I really want to get back to work." 

"Okay you two let's get on with this lazy-ass day," Mike said cheerfully walking in with loads of snacks and drinks. 

"Ready?" Santana asked the blonde 


They all laughed and went to the theater room Santana has, which really surprised Brittany but decided not to say anything. The now new group of friends with their new addition watched about 3 movies and talked about their careers. They had a great time and Brittany was grateful for now having new amazing friends, she couldn't be happier. 

It was 1 am in the morning, they all decided to call it a night. Mike and Mercedes went home since they had to get ready for a new tour in a week. Santana was walking out Brittany and they stopped on the porch. 

"Thank you for today," the young lawyer timidly said. 

"Anytime Britt," Santana smiled. 

"Hey so um can I ask you something?" Brittany kicking leaves that fell on the porch. 

"Of course you can," 

"Wouldyouliektogoonadatewithme?" Brittany said in one breath Santana didn't understand a word, "umm Britt can you say that slower?" 

"Would you like to go out on a date with me?" the blonde said more confidently looking into those deep brown orbs. 

Santana gasped, she opened her mouth to say something but nothing would come out. Brittany's heart clenched on not getting a response. The Latina seeing the blonde confidence breaking she finally spoke, "yes."

"Yes?" Brittany asked to be sure.

"Yes Britt, I'll go on a date with you," Santana said more loudly. A big grin was plastered on the blonde's face, "awesome! how about Friday?" 

"Yes Friday is good," the Latina stated. 

"Great! I'm gonna go now, see you next week?" 

"See you next week Britt," Sanatan stood on her tippy toes and kissed her cheek. Brittany's grin only got bigger, she waved at Santana and got into her car, and drove off. 

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