Chapter 4

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Santana was in her office sorting out her recent patient's paperwork and charts, she heard the door knock and told whoever was knocking on the door to come in. Once the door opened she saw a woman coming in confidently. 

"Hi, how can I help you?" Santana asked. 

"Hi, I'm Monet de Haan your new assistant," she replied. 

"My new assistant? As far as I know, I already have one?" Santana confused. 

"I was told by Dr. Lopez your she got fired and he hired me, I'm a 2-year attending," Monet stated 

Santana sat there shocked, "wow okay, you'll start on Monday since I will be leaving soon and I don't work on weekends unless there's a reason why." 

"Great, see you Monday!" Monet smiled and walked out, bumping into a blonde. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry," she said to the lawyer who dropped a bundle of lilies. 

"It's alright," Brittany waved it off picking up the lilies. Monet stepped out of her way and was on her way to the elevator. Santana who witnessed the whole thing stood up and smiled at the cute blonde, "hey you." 

"Hey, you look beautiful" the brunette looking at Brittany's baby blue mid-thigh dress that pops out her eyes

"Thank you," Brittany blushed. "Are you still okay to go today?" 

"Yes, yes of course just got caught up with some paperwork." Santana putting on her jacket and getting her purse, keys, and phone. 

Brittany decided to tease the brunette, "will you be going in your scrubs or?" 

Santana look down at what she was wearing, "no! I was supposed to go home and change but then I had all these patients today and then the paperwork--" 

Brittany interrupted the Latina, "Santana!! you're rambling. It's okay, we can go to your house and you can clean up."

Santana looked at her in awe, "really?"

"Yes, besides we have more than enough time." the blonde stated. 

Santana and Brittany walked out of her office locking up and heading to Santana's bike heading off to her house. Both girls walked inside the house and went up to Santana's room which was filled with Amy Winehouse posters, and a vinyl player. and family and friend picture frames. 

"Your room is amazing," Brittany said. 

"Thank you, well I'm going to take a quick shower and you can make yourself at home," the doctor said. 

Brittany nodded and saw Santana taking out some clothes and headed off to the bathroom, after a good 20 minutes she heard the shower turn off. Santana was ready within another 15 minutes. She came out of the bathroom with a strapless red dress showing all her curves and more hidden tattoos on her collarbone. She trailed her eyes downward and saw her toned olived skin legs. 


"You're absolutely stunning," the blonde locking eyes with beautiful brown orbs. She walked to Santana and softly stroke her cheek. Santana's heart started to beat rapidly, she never knew someone could have this effect on her. 

"Ready to go?" Brittany whispered enough for Santana to hear. 

"Yeah," Santana letting out a deep breath. 

Brittany extended her hand and Santana gladly took it, they walked down the stairs to the door, "by the way, I put the lilies in a vase with water" the blonde smiled. 

"Thank you, Britt," she smiled shyly, she cleared her throat, "want to take the car?" 

"Um no, where we're going isn't that far, so is it okay if we walk?" Brittany asked. 

"Yeah of course," 

The two girls walked out of the house hand in hand walking to wherever Brittany was taking them. 

"So how was your day?" Santana asked. 

"It was good, had some cases to go through today and it was pretty fun," she laughed. 

"Wow never seen anyone that happy about working," Santana laughed with her. 

"Well it was good doing something rather than just being homebound, how was your day?" Brittany said. 

"It was okay, not any serious surgeries but it was also a bit shocking," Santana told her. 

"How come?" the blonde asked. 

"Apparently I have a new assistant since my recent one was fired," she stated. "You didn't know she was fired?"

"No, she said my dad told her, so I guess I'll ask him about it tomorrow," 

"Was it that girl I saw who bumped into me?" Britt questioned, Santana, nodded yes. "Hmm she seems pretty nice," Brittany added. 

They walked a little more in a comfortable silence until Brittany stopped in front of a park. 

"So you know how you took me to that park you discovered right?" Santana answered yes to the blonde's question. 

"Well this isn't a secret park but it's somewhere me and my parents used to come and I always thought it was a perfect place for a picnic," Brittany said taking Santana's hand and walked until they saw lit candles and a blanket spread with a picnic basket. "Britt, how?" 

"I had help from Marley and Quinn," she timidly said. 

"You're perfect," Santana said dreamily looking into those sparkling blue orbs. 

Brittany grinned, "shall we?" the brunette smile and followed the young lawyer. 

They ate, talked, and laughed. Both girls loved being in each other's presence like they've known each other for years. The two girls got up and cleaned up heading back to Santana's house. It took them 20 minutes to get back to the house and they walked up to Santana's porch and grinned at each other. 

"I had an amazing time Britt," Santana said. 

"I'm glad, so did I. Is it enough for a second date?" she asked. 



Santana laughed at the blonde's cuteness, "but you know something would make it even greater." 

Brittany raised an eyebrow, "what's that?" 

Santana walked closer to her and raised her hand holding her cheek looking deeply into her eyes and ever so slightly at her lips, "this," Santana closed the distance and pressed her lips against the blondes. Brittany couldn't believe Santana was kissing her, she kissed her back with no hesitance. Santana smiled against the kiss and pulled back before it got too heated. 

They both had giddy smiles on their faces. "Want to hang out tomorrow?" Brittany asked. 

"Of course," Santana smiled. Brittany gave her one last peck on her lips and was walking off the porch, "wait, Britt, you're walking home?" 

"Yeah, it isn't far remember,"

"Take my car please, I'll feel better if you do it's pretty late," Santana opening her door and getting her car keys. 

Brittany not arguing with the brunette taking the keys, "I'll bring it back tomorrow," 

Santana smiled and pecked her cheek which left Brittany once again with a big grin. Brittany went into the car and smiled at the brunette driving off. 

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