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Good morning class, today I will introduce you to our new student joining us from Italy , Lila Rossi. She will be with you students for most of the time so please treat her kindly. "Lila sit here!," Shouted Marinette form her seat. Lila happily walked over and sat down with excitement recognizing her old friend Marinette. After school they happily chatted away unintentionally excluding Alya.

A couple days later when Mari and Alya were talking, Alya suddenly brought up the subject to state something. "DON'T YOU SEE SHE IS CHANGING YOU MARI?" "What are you talking about? Lila has always been there for me." "Just because I hang out with her more than you doesn't mean that she is changing me Als." ".... DON'T YOU SEE IT? YOU ARE BECOMING A JERK YOU MAY NOT SEE IT BUT EVERYONE ELSE DOES. SHE ISN'T A GOOD PERSON SO WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING HER WAYS?" "....... I think you should go now Als I am meeting with Lila soon and I have to introduce her to Adrien." Ayla walks of feeling like a piece of trash being thrown away and stops.

"FINE BUT KNOW THAT WHEN SHE TURNES ON YOU, I MIGHT NOT BE THERE!" "Whatever Als just go." Later on, Marinette met up with Adrien and Lila and it was like right after those two met, Lila just left her and started hanging out with Adrien. Lila was still friends with Marinette but whenever Adrien was with them it was like Marinette didn't exist.

The next day, when Lila was looking for Marinette, she bumped into Nino and got harassed. He shoved her against the lockers, slapped her and kicked her. " What do you think you are doing Lila Grossi." " I am sorry I was just looking for Marinette I didn't mean to bump in to you."

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