Elena's POV
"A WEEK! SEVEN DAYS TOTAL WE'VE BEEN GONE!", I screamed at the officer.
"Ma'am, please calm down and lower your voice.", Officer...Lor–cod–os, why does he have such a weird last name, said. And honestly, he looked kinda cute. I'm gonna say he's 25. But he looks like a guy that Espen would go for. Wait, why am I even thinking about this?! I'm being questioned by a police officer about my kidnapping and all I can think about is how cute this guy looks. Awful, just awful.
"Ma'am, do you think it's possible that nobody kidnapped you and you and your sisters just faked all of this for attention.", the officer continued. Well, it's official. His IQ level is 5.01. And I'm sooo not kidding.
It took me a while to answer because the whole time I was trying to contain my anger and not take off my shoe and shove it in his butt-hole. That probably wouldn't be the first thing that was in there besides his feces, if you know what I mean.
"This conversation is over. Please return to me when all of your facts add up. You know, you and your little theory.", I finally replied. I then got up from the chair, and walked out of the room.
The Three Terrible Triplets
AcakTriplets Elena, Espen and Elliot are going through a life crisis, growing up. Now read the friggin book so you can't find out what kind of situations they are in.