Chapter 3: The "Talk"

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We(Kaleigh, me, Christian, my mom, dad, his mom and dad) are all metting at the coffee shop to talk about things.
"So Kaleigh, explain to me again how they are cousins" my mom couldn't catch the details at the party when she was trying to see how no one else realized it.
"Yes, I'm also curious about how we all missed it." Christians mom wasn't at the party and had just heard about it, that's why we are all here.
"So, as soon as Sarah and Christian started to get closer, I decided to look into if they could be related. I didn't want them to get too close and start dating and stuff and then find out they're cousins."
"I'm sure glad they didn't get closer!" My dads smartass remarks can ruining a conversation, or just the awkwardness but, everyone's used to them by now.
"Anyways, the first thing I noticed was that Stephanie(her mother) and Louis(My dads brother) were married and had Kevin(her brother). So, at a point they would have been cousins but, they weren't born, let alone even thought of, at this time."
"Well Kaleigh, sweetie I hate to break it to you but they aren't cousins if this is your explanation. Louis and I have been divorced for years." my mom seemed confused but I knew there was more to it because Kaleigh already knew that part, she's much smarter than that.
"Trust me, I know that. I've known that for like ever. But, one day I was on the Internet and I ran into this website. You enter two peoples names and a little information about them and it will tell you if they're related or not. So I did. It told me that they were cousins because... um Nick is adopted."
"What? I'm, no, I'm, not." He could barely get the word out of his mouth.
"How could they be related if Nick was adopted? Why would that matter?"
"So, here's the whole story: So when Marge was really young, she had Nick. She didn't want a child so young, so she put him up for adoption. Wanda adopted Nick and just never told him because they were so close and she didn't know how."
At this point, I can't even think I'm just shocked that he actually is my cousins.
"Wait, then why did Marge put Nick up for adoption? I mean he's barely older than Louis?"
"Well, I talked to Marge and she didn't want Nick because she was rapped."
Now the room is just full of silence and the look on everyone's face is just shook.
"So, let me get this straight, Marge had Louis, Nick, and Aaron(my dad). Wanda had Terri and then adopted Nick. First, Terri and Louis got married and they had Kevin then they got a divorce. Then Terri married Kyle and they had Kaleigh. Nick and Stephanie got married and had Christian and Aaron married LouAnn and they had me. So by blood, Christian and me our cousin, and Louis, Aaron and Nick are brothers?" I can't believe I just put that all together like that I mean I can barely breath.
"Yup, that's it. Its a long story with a few big secrets. I didn't mean to get this deep with everyone and I'm sorry. I talked to Marge and that's how I knew about why she put Nick up for adoption and everything. She had never realized that Nick was her kid."
We all just went home after that, we needed time to take it all in and realize what had happened.

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