Chapter 1

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I love them both,but differently.

Chapter 1:
(POV third person)

There is this boy called Castiel. He is 19 years old, but there's something no one knows about, he's a stripper.

He usually goes to the strip club at Friday and Sunday nights to get some money for his College. He lives in a dorm with two other guys, Orion and Jerome. And he's fallen deeply in love with his best friend, Orion. But Orion has been dating Jerome since half a year by now. But their relationship is crumbling and yesterday, he saw Jerome with Ereck, snogging in the locker room.

He's unsure if he should tell Orion because, Jerome makes him happy and that's all what Castiel wants, Orion to be happy. But he also knows that what Jerome is doing or did wasn't right. But at the same time, Jerome is also his friend maybe he should talk with him about what happened with Ereck and that he saw it.

Since it is 3am and Castiel has been thinking a lot about it, he decides to sleep over it but talk to Jerome the next day. But for some reason he can't fall asleep and because God loves him so much, a thunderstorm started, wich means he's not going to sleep at all, since he's afraid of lightning.

Eventually he falls asleep around 5/6ish, at 7am he wakes up by his alarm clock ringing, it's Sunday but he forgot to turn it off so it won't wake him, the thunderstorm hasn't stopped yet. And then a bright lightning came down right across the street, he started crying "why does this have to happen now" he asks himself. And all the sudden there are two arms wrapped around him. As he turns around he looks into bright green eyes, beautiful eyes as he had noticed many times before.

Obviously it's non other than his best friend Orion, also known as the prettiest human being he ever saw his entire life or his first real love. Which is another reason, besides the fact that Orion is the nicest human to ever walk the earth, why Castiel couldn't imagine how someone could even possibly think of cheating on someone like him. And there for, he doesn't know what to do cause if he tells him about Jerome and Ereck, Orion is going to get hurt and he doesn't want him to be hurt, he should be happy and have that beautiful smile on his face.

"Hey it's okay" Orion says, whom knows that Castiel is afraid of thunderstorms. He knows what happened that night and he also knows that, that's the reason why he's so afraid of lightning. He's always been there for Castiel and the way Orion holds him right now, makes his heart beat faster and he has butterflies in his stomach.

"It might be at this very moment for us, bu-" Castiel starts but he regrets saying that because he ruined that moment "shut up, it's not making anything better" Orion says putting both his middle and index finger to Castiels mouth to shut him. Castiel cuddles himself more into the embrace and breathes Orion's fragrance, one that calms him down and makes him fall asleep again. Fallen asleep in his best friends arms, Orion lays both of them down turning Castiel to his side and laying his own arms around the younger's stomach


Well this is chapter one and this dude you can see is Castiel. Hope you liked it.

I hope you have a great day, see you soon


I love them both, but differentlyWhere stories live. Discover now