Chapter 8

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I love them both, but differently

Chapter 8
(POV Castiel)

It was getting later and later until I realized that it's almost two am and I have school tomorrow.

"I'm sorry but I have to go home now it's almost two in the morning and I have school tomorrow"
"It's fine" Dean said smiling at me "well then let's go I drop you off" I nodded and we stood up and walked towards his car

After 10 minutes we arrived and he brought me to my door.

"I'm by the way sorry that I didn't texted you sooner. I was very busy at work and also had to babysit my aunts son and I just didn't have time. I hope you aren't mad at me." Dean said looking at me a bit nervous

"Of course I'm not mad I can understand that, that was probably a very stressing week for you, and in the end we still had the chance to go out" I gently smiled at him and he returned it

"I would loved it if we could meet up again do you want that to?"
"Yea sure, I'm free the whole next week except for Sunday because then I have a footie match."
"Okay"he smiled "I just text you again yea?" I nodded and returned the smile.
"But I guess you have to sleep now, I see you soon" he said kissing my cheek.
Lightly blushing I replied a quick "good night" and then stepped into my apartment.
I turned around and smiled at him again before I closed the door. I was heading for my room so I walked through the living room.

All the sudden someone taps my shoulder and I scream and turn around.
"Wot the fock Orion"

"I'm sorry I didn't meant to scare you" he said looking at me worried. "It's fine but why are you even awake it's 2 in the morning"
"Hmmm let me think... maybe because my best friend went on a date with a guy that is six years older, it's getting late at night and you're not answering your phone while I'm worried sick that something happened to you. You said your going to be home 2 hours ago." He said slightly raising his voice
"Shit I totally forgot about that"
"I'm sorry my phone died and I just forgot about time." I said. He just looked at me, nodded and then walked away with a grumpy "good night"
"Well that was... weird. Something is definitely wrong and I have to ask him tomorrow"

POV Orion

I was chilling on the couch with Jerome watching a random movie, Jerome was taking a nap while cuddling with me. Then the door opened. I looked up to meet Castiel's beautiful blue eyes. I gave him a small smile. He waved back and then walked towards the kitchen and then disappeared into his room.

I was still watching the movie when I heard the bell ring.
"Jerome I'm back in a few seconds okay but I have to stand up now could you please move a bit" I said lowly, shaking him lightly so he wakes up.
"Mhm just.... come back soon yea?" He said tiredly

Just as I was opening the door Castiel came out of his room. To my surprise Carla, Wilma and Jas were standing in front of the door.

"Hey? Nice to see you but why are you all here?" I asked hugging them all.
"Castiel has a date with Dean and we're here to help him get ready" Carla said.

I looked at her surprised feeling this weird pain in my chest
"Since when? Also why did he not tell me and why do I have this weird feeling in my chest it kind of feels like... jealousy? But I mean why would I be jealous? Okay yea Dean is going on a date with MY Castiel but wot about it"

"Oh yeah? he didn't tell me." I say now leaned to the doorframe and looking at Castiel. He gives me a small smile but I don't feel like returning it so I just look at him.

I love them both, but differentlyWhere stories live. Discover now