5: Life Is Boring, But What Else Is New?

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Ever since the strange blonde with the floating mascot, and pretty [h/c] haired chick with the fucking wolf arrived in Mondstadt, Kaeya has been keeping a suspicious eye (singular) on them.

Kaeya couldn't understand what you were saying, but you had this look on your face that just told him you were making boob jokes about some chocolates you saw.

Anyway, he's been keeping a close eye (singular) on you and your boyfriend. So, when you two were caught in that tornado and forcibly split apart, Kaeya thought it would be a good chance to gain the favor of the blonde traveler if he helps you.

Well, it's not that he's just using you to get Aether's trust because Aether is obviously the fighter and the most capable of the two of you...

But that's exactly what Kaeya's doing.

You furrow your eyebrows as you and Kaeya go up the stairs, almost tripping a few times due to his eagerness to hurry. You're sure he's taking you where Aether and Amber are; personally you can't wait to be reunited with your sweet boy, Sekido.

You two reach the top before he suddenly stops. You look at him quizzically when he turns around, giving you a once over.

Kaeya pats down your messy hair, "There, that's better."

You raise an eyebrow in assumption he said something dumb. The Pirate angel waves his hand dismissively and nudges you lightly to continue forward.

"Are you hurt?"

You perk up at Amber's voice, moving past Kaeya to rejoin with your comrades. Sekido is the first to notice, running to you and almost jumping in your arms. The poor boy forgets sometimes that he's too big to do that now.

You gently remove him off you, "Awww! I missed you too, Sekido!!"

"[Y/n]! Oh, thank the Gods!" Aether jogs to your side and hugs you, "I'm sorry I let go! I tried to-"

"-Hey, hey, hey. You did nothing wrong, don't apologize. I'm just glad you guys are alive as well," You pull away from the blonde to check him for injuries, "Thankfully, the sexy pirate angel guy healed me, and he brought me to you, too."

"The who-the what?"

As if on cue, Kaeya struts up to the group while clapping his hands in that fuckboy way he does. You don't know how someone can clap in a fuckboy way, but Kaeya did it.

"You've actually got the power to go up against the dragon..." Kaeya smirks, "Are you a new ally... or a new storm?"

You point to the Cavalry Captain, "Him."

"That's the sexy pirate angel guy?" Aether raises a brow.


Well... okay. He can see the appeal. Aether takes a hold of your wrist, still unsure of the people he's surrounded by. And this guy you claimed helped you has a... vibe that makes Aether just a little nervous.

"Stormterror... is attacking Mondstadt itself!" Amber frets, "Kaeya, Aether, you've come at the right time. We must-"

"-Hold on, Amber. Are you perhaps forgetting to introduce us?" Kaeya teases a bit with a smile.

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