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So Kurama is Naruto's brother-figure since he was 12 year old.

Note : 



'Kurama talking in mindscape'

Warning :

- may contain curse words

- may have mature content ( I will warn you)

-is filled full of my idiotic also to mention my dear perverted brain

also I don't like Sakura so she will be in my villain list. And villains get a bad ending~

xX read at your own risk Xx (but i don't think there is any if you went this far in my novel till now.

I am a newbie so please have mercy on my writing.

Now ... on with my story.....


Naruto's age - 18 yrs old

Sasuke's age - 19 yrs old


Previously on 'The One For Me'.....

"WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING DUMBASS!" screamed the girl while getting up . She picked a room card from the two and when running away still crying like her baby had died or something ( I hope not as I have a slight hemophobia , it is not that bad so I am control myself , but then the whole day I am pale , I hope it goes one day)

I picked up the only card left , which was 666 or 999 , idk.

I want to the last room AKA room no. 666 , I slid the card in the swipey things where you swipe your card , I don't know its name , but... anyways .

The heat in my body was almost unbearable . I stumbled on the bed trying to remove the pain away.............................

Naruto's P.O.V. 

The heat in my body was almost unbearable . I stumbled on the bed trying to remove the pain away. It just keep getting hotter and hotter . I slowly removed 

It was getting so uncomfortable that I didn't notice the bathroom of this room was occupied...

Sasuke's P.O.V.

My bath is done , so I walked out of the bathroom only to find someone panting on the bed.

I swear if it is one of those dumbass fangir- wait it isn't. 

Immediately I felt something glinting in the dark .

I squinted my eyes trying to adjust to the dark .

I saw a mop of wild blond hair , bright ocean blue eyes and tan skin .        

Oh.... its just Naruto . I thought casually.




"NARUTO?!!" My eyes widened in shock and surprise. 

Naruto's P.O.V.

Ugh....pain.... unbearable pain....'Kura nii....'

'*yawn*.......What happened now kit? Fell in trouble again'

'Stop your jokes Kurama , they aren't funny.....at all'

'hmph. Did you wake me up from my sleep only to trouble me'

'No.....I am feeling really hot....its paining as fuck!!'

'Let me check your system...................'

some time passed......

'This is what happens when you drink 'XXX factor' (A/N: random name I know , but what else do you expect from a 13 yr old boy? -_-) , the world's strongest aphrodisiac, and not only 1 but 10 packets worth'

'What?!! But I didn't eat it'

 'Do you seriously think it is time for that kit? I would be able to remove 1 or 2 doses , but TEN?!! Sorry dude , but you have to do your worst fear'

'No NO NOo! I don't wanna do this , Kura-nii '

'It is do or die kit and also this thing makes me even more sleepy and you you loose half of your consciousness in 5 minutes. All the best as I don't want us to*yawn* dieeezzzzzZZZ....SNORE....' 



hm? who called me? I'll just ask it my self

"Aah~ who?" I say trying to speak properly , but it ended up like a moan

I  have some damn 5 seconds yet this is unbearable . So I quickly look up to see no one else than.....


My P.O.V.

They look at each other as if they saw a ghost .

Sasuke was the first one out of the trance . 

" What are you doing in MY room dobe?"

"Teme your room?! This is the room booked for me . What are you doing here?" he says but of course falls back.

Pain....the heat has reached his heart .

"AAAaahhhh~" Naruto moaned of loud as he felt his member starting to heat up due to the .... heat, but immediately put a hand on his mouth .

Sasuke's P.O.V.

What the hell was that (A/N: That was a moan you idiot , are Uchiha's becoming dumber day by day (¬_¬ ))

Naruto P.O.V.

Ugh.....shit.... I need to tell him at least....but...what will I get if I do...? I am sure I don't wanna die from this heat .....

"h-hey S-sas-ke.." I spoke or at least tried to.

The heat was taking over the last piece of sanity . 

"What did you get yourself into" he asked , more like ordered with a cold glare which was seemingly burning me on fire.

And then I spoke the last two words which I could while I was still conscious.

Sasuke's POV (a/n: too many POV changes , but cant help T.T)

"h-hey S-sas-ke.." he tried to speak.

Things were getting weird , by each second . And the crazy aura surrounding the room wasn't helping at all. It was pulling me closer to the now sweating crazy blond. I would be blind if i said he didn't look crazy sexy , and so ...... fuckable (A/N: seriously dude ?! That isn't even a fucking word, or is it? )

"What did you get yourself into." I asked keeping myself in control.


Was he trying to tell me he got drugged ? Wait , and by aphrodisiac?!!

There wasn't much time to think as , as soon as he finished his sentence he lunged onto me and kissed me on like it was his last day to live.

My brain and heart seemed to be fighting with each other . My brain was telling to stop , while my heart was telling to continue . Soon even my brain started telling me what to do along with my heart, after all he was my childhood crush. How we became rivals is a story of another time (Sasuke: the truth is that the author still doesn't know that part. a/n: shut up or teme will be the Uke like your name. Sasuke: Nooooo)

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