part 06 | podosphaera fuliginea | twenty-one

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"Wait a second, will you?" Taehyung muttered as he pulled out a mirror from his bag, immediately beginning to fix his hair. Or what of it you could see from under his hat. Bogum tried to lift as many as his leaves as he could, even helping Taehyung move a few strands around.

His hair really was getting too long.

"Tae, come on," Jungkook huffed, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes as Taehyung continued to attempt to make his hair look decent. "I really doubt your hair is gonna make the big difference to whether Yoongi will fall in love with you or not," he added, impatiently looking at the store a few meters away.

Jungkook was always in a rush to go home now.

Taehyung pretended it didn't hurt.

"I have to try, Jungkook," he muttered, giving up on his hair and beginning to unbutton his shirt, frowning as he looked down at his unimpressive chest. Sometimes he was sad that he didn't look more like Jungkook who could do a perfect stand-in for a washboard. Taehyung wasn't chubby or anything, just...soft. The only muscle definition he had was from lifting heavy flowerpots and it clearly wasn't paying out too much. "Besides, you're one to talk, after how much time you used getting ready for Jimin," Taehyung muttered giving Jungkook a pointed look.

"But have you seen Jimin," Jungkook said, pointing in the direction of the store. "He's sex on legs, literally. Yoongi is nice looking and all, but like he's not a God. If he's going to fall for you it's definitely for your personality," Jungkook huffed, cheeks getting a little red. "Besides, Yoongi doesn't seem like the kind of person to date people based on their looks," Jungkook added, looking back at Taehyung like he had said something profoundly wise.

"Okay, one, I take great offence in how you describe Yoongi. He is more that okay, he's a God among humans, the hottest God, okay? Like Jimin is nice and beautiful, but Yoongi is gorgeous, and I refuse to accept anything else," Taehyung said, pointing at Jungkook who looked like he wanted to protest. "I repeat Jimin is charming and sexy, but Yoongi is late mornings in bed and cuddles," he added when Jungkook tried to speak.

"Let's agree to disagree on that one," Jungkook huffed, crossing his arms as he looked at Taehyung. "Though I'm mildly glad you don't want to jump my boyfriend," he muttered, suddenly looking a bit bitter. Not that Taehyung didn't understand. A lot of people liked the way Jimin looked and the same people also liked being very vocal about it. Very few seemed to respect it when Jimin told them he wasn't single and Taehyung knew it couldn't be easy seeing people act like the person they loved was nothing but an object for their fantasies.

"I think both you and Hoseok does all the jumping Jimin needs," Taehyung said, unable to stop himself. He felt sorry for Jungkook, but at the same time it was hard not to resent his friend just a little for practically abandoning Taehyung alone at the Academy. It had been bad before when the triad had started dating, but now they lived together it was almost impossible to get Jungkook to come and hang out with Taehyung.

It wasn't like Taehyung could hang out in the house after all.

"We do no such thing," Jungkook huffed, looking away as his whole face turned red. "Besides we were talking about how Yoongi wouldn't date you because you're half naked," Jungkook added pointing accusingly at Taehyung's open shirt.

"Is it too open?" Taehyung asked, buttoning a button, giving his chest and questioning look. "Or isn't it open enough?" He asked unbuttoning two buttons and looking at how his belly bottom in dismay. He really wished he had just one ab to show off. Like he didn't the twelve like Jungkook, just one that could maybe get a little reaction out of Yoongi. After all the image of Yoongi's toned body in the drenched shirt from several weeks ago was still haunting Taehyung's dreams.

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