part 13 | schizophyllum commune | thirty-four

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3 years ago

"You're working too hard," Choyeon said somewhere behind Yoongi. "You know the plants won't die if you take five minutes off to drink some water," she added, the smile clear in her voice. Yoongi straightened up, turning to look at her smile from the gravel path next to the small field of Springus dingkus he had been busy weeding.

"You and Jin need to relax. I'm an adult," Yoongi called, winching as his back cracked. He had been at it for a few hours so it was no wonder his body was complaining, still he hadn't been at it for so long that neither Jin or Choyeon would need to worry. "And I have water," Yoongi grinned, a little ball of water appearing with a snap of his fingers.

"You're such a show off," Choyeon scuffed, walking into the field, carefully stepping over the Springus dingkus. "Your magic is so fucking freaky," she added with a smile, sitting down next to Yoongi, her hands flat on the ground. She closed her eyes and muttered a spell under her breath.

In the blink of an eyes all the weeds disappeared.

"You could always ask for help," Choyeon grinned, smiling up at Yoongi as she leaned back on her heels and brushed off the dirt from her hands on her pants.

Yoongi didn't miss the beads of sweat on her forehead. He wished Choyeon would someday understand that she didn't need to impress Yoongi. That despite his magic and craziness, he didn't expect her to be just as amazing. Choyeon was incredibly talented. She could do things Yoongi knew was difficult for far more experienced Wild Witches. Still, she always needed to hide that she needed to use spells for more complicated magic.

Yoongi hated that she felt the need to exhaust herself for him.

"I can't depend on you for everything," Yoongi said, hoping his smile didn't look too forced. He groaned as he got up, reaching a hand out to help her up. "Besides you need to spend more time on your graduation project," Yoongi added a little scolding as he pulled Choyeon up from the ground.

"You're not my brother, freak," Choyeon grinned, her hand lingering a little too long in Yoongi's for it to be normal. "And stop worrying, I have it all under control," she beamed, bashing her eyelashes at him. Yoongi really wondered if it was all Wild Witches who was this affectionate or if it was only Choyeon. For someone like Yoongi who had lived through a childhood of beatings he wasn't used to these kinds of soft touches.

Well, from anyone but Namjoon of course.

"I'm allowed to worry, as your employer it's my responsibility to ensure that you pass your exams. Besides, since I've been with you from the beginning I'm taking some personal pride in you passing with flying colors," Yoongi smiled, gently taking his hand out of hers and turning to walk towards the garden shed.

"It's still weird that you're my age and has already graduated," she said, jumping to follow him. Yoongi wasn't sure if he liked her insisting on being close to him all the time. It was fine if she wanted to help, but sometimes Yoongi just wanted a bit of peace. "Don't you ever miss working at the Agency?" She added, catching up and fluttering her eyelashes at Yoongi again.

Perhaps she was trying to get rid of a piece of sand without Yoongi noticing.

"Nope," Yoongi said monotone. She had been oddly fixated at the Agency lately. Almost like she wanted him to go back. Yoongi didn't understand people's fascination of the Agency. Sure, they were all incredibly talented witches, but they hardly needed Yoongi to hang around. Besides, Yoongi refused to work anywhere that insisted that he needed a babysitter. Yoongi was able to keep hold on his own magic just fine on his own.

He needed to be in the garden. Yoongi didn't have time to run around solving problems that others could deal with. They had his number, if anything like the whole mess with Jimin's lake ever happened again they could call him. Being an honorary member and actually showing up to all their excessive meetings and gatherings was more than enough.

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