Chapter 16

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"Why are we here? Better yet why did they want me to come along?" Elijah asked once he teleported us in front of Lakens house.

"I don't know but King is here." I groaned.

"You've been ignoring him for yesterday. I'm sure you can ignore him for a little longer." He said.

"Alright your right. Let's just get this shit over with." I sighed.

"That's my boy." He kissed my cheek.

"Your annoying." I laughed a little. We walked up the path and knocked on the door. In seconds it swung open to reveal Laken.

"Hello I'm Laken, and you must be Elijah." He smiled.

"Sup." Elijah said. Laken opened the door gesturing us to come in. We did so so he closed the door.

"Everyone's waiting." Laken said walking away. We followed him. We walked into the living room where everyone was sitting.

"Hey guys." I smiled. They all either said hi or waved.

"So strange question but what's your guys blood type?" Laken asked me and Elijah.

"O negative." We said at the same time.

"Good. So I had this crazy thought that if we were to inject Skylar with Elijahs blood he'd be half demon. If he really focuses maybe he could direct the demon part to his back and create a wing." We all stared dumbfounded at him.

"What if I can't?" I asked.

"Worst case you'll just be half demon half angel. Nothing bad should happen." Laken held up a syringe.

"Wow now I'll always be one with you." Elijah joked.

"Shut up." I shook my head.

"You guys should take a seat." Laken said. Elijah sat on the single chair and pulled me onto his lap.

"Does he have to sit on his lap?" King scoffed.

"Elijah should hold Skylar. I don't know how it will affect him." Laken said. He crouched down and grabbed Elijahs arm. He stuck the needle into Elijah to draw his blood. Once he filled it he took it out. "Alright just relax Skylar and lean forward a little." He said grabbing my arm. I leaned forward I'm guessing for my wing or whatever. He carefully stuck the needle into my arm and injected Elisjahs blood into me. Once he took it out I felt fine.

"Is something supposed to happen?" Storm asked.

"I don't know. How do you fee-"

I let out a pained groan. They all turned to me. My body started heating up. It was burning.

"Now you just gotta focus." Laken said.

"Yeah I'm fucking trying." I snapped. I took a few deep breaths before using everything in me to move the demon part. After a few seconds I managed to do it. I felt a small pain as a wing started to form.

"Would you look at that. It's like an actually wing. Even has feathers." Elijah said. I relaxed once it was finally done.

"How do you feel?" Laken asked.

"L-Like my body is on fire." I said.

"You'll get used to it." Griffin laughed. I leaned back against Elijah.

"At least you have 2 wings now." Elijah said finally releasing me.

"Yeah that's good." I smiled.

"Can you move it?" I leaned forward again and stretched my new wing out.

"Let's go test it out then." Storm and Luke got up and dragged me out the house to the backyard. The both got a grip on my arms and flew up.

"How's it going with Elijah?" Luke asked.

"We're friends. He helped me a lot over the past few days." I told them.

"Have you spoken with King?" He asked.

"No, I've been ignoring him." I sighed.

"He told us that his parents are making him. It's for some business thing." Storm said.

"Yeah well still he should've told me." I scoffed.

"Your right. Fuck him. Cheating is cheating. No excuses." I smiled at Luke.

"Let's see how good this bad boy can fly." I nodded. They let go of me to which I fell for a few seconds before catching myself. I moved my wings keeping me up.

"Woohoo! It works!"

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