Chapter 7:Meatloaf

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Chapter 7

When Peter finally walked up the cool concrete steps it was midnight, his head was pounding and the bump on the back of his neck was burning, his senses were overly hightened so much that it was maddening. He could hear his Aunt and Uncle talking from inside, he noticed the small imperfections in the gold paint of the 36 that marked his door. He started to unlock his door when he heard a small movement from his right, Peter immediately whirled around in a panic.

Mary Jane gave him a look of surprise, but it quickly turned into a flirtatious smirk, "Woah tiger, you're a little late," she said pulling the hem of her denim jacket down.

"O-Oh yeah, yeah I-I was-uh out," Peter said running his hand through his hair and pointing his thumb toward the street.

"Were you on a date?" she asked tilting her head slightly and raising her perfectly shaped eye brows cutely at him.

His cheeks flushed with red and his body temperature rose dramatically, he felt tiny beads of sweat forming at his hairline, "I-uh, no, no I wasn't on a date, I wasn't," he said feeling a nervous smile plaster on his face.

She took big confident steps toward him, the heels of her black leather ankle boots clicking and her fiery red pony tail swaying side to side with every step. When she was inches from him she laid a perfect manicured hand on his surprisingly muscular chest, "Loosen up Peter," she said looking down at the index finger tracing patterns on his pectoral.

Her touch sent a tidal wave of ice water through his veins, he swallowed hard a few times attempting to rid himself of the nervous feeling that was now clouding him. He felt his senses intensify even more, he became aware of every movement, every sound, evrything around him. He tightened his grip around the brass knob on his door, the cold metal molded around his fingers, he quickly turned the dented knob and pushed the door open.

"I-I should get inside m-my aunt is probably worried," he said wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Peter quickly scrambled inside before she could give a response, the pattern she was tracing felt frozen on him. He comically slapped at a few times trying to make the feeling dissipate, but it lingered there. It was like a tinge of guilt fell over him, he and Gwen weren't official, but he felt like he had just betrayed her.

Peter knew his Aunt and Uncle were still awake waiting up for him, because the light from the dining room was still on, he heard their whispers, but they were loud and clear to him. He ran a hand through his hair and when he pulled it back out his fingers were soaked, "Must have been sweating more than I thought,"

He walked in to his Aunt standing by the refrigerator and his Uncle sitting at the table nearly asleep, "Uh-hey, hey, hey sorry I'm late I got-uh," before he could finish his poorly thought out excuse his Aunt cut him off, her eyes squiinting in anger through her thick glasses.

"We were so worried," she said.

"I know, I'm sorry," his apology was cut short as the same annoying ringing returned to his ears, "Watch out!" he exclaimed grabbing at something in the air. Aunt May jumped in surprise, but as she regained her composure she met Peter's gaze, in between his fingers was a small fly trying desperately to wiggle its way free of Peter's small vice.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2015 ⏰

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