Chapter 3:The Brown Leather Briefcase

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A/N:  I know it seems like you're reading TASM, but I promise the story differs out soon! Comment, Favorite, Follow, and Share with people you think might enjoy this! :)

Chapter 3

Peter walked through his front door and set his bag down on the couch, his Aunt was standing in the kitchen cutting garlic on the cutting board with a towel draped over her shoulder.

"Hey," Peter exclaimed as he walked to the fridge.

"I'm making spaghetti and meatballs tonight," May said continuing to chop up the ingrediants.

"You serious? spaghetti and meatballs?" He said opening the fridge looking for a substitute dinner for himself.

"Since when don't you like spaghetti and meatballs?" she responded while picking up the freshly chopped onions and throwing them into the pot on the stove.

Peter didn't feel like cooking for himself so he decided to just grab a Gatorade and deal with the food his Aunt was making later. He closed the fridge and walked past her toward the sink. She took a quick glance at him as he walked by and noticed the bruise on his face from where Flash had hit him earlier.

"Oh my god," She said looking worringly at the bruise.

"What?" Peter said confused.

"What happened to your face?" May said drying her hands on the towel that hung over her shoulder.

"Oh, I'm alright I just fell, skating," He lied while jumping up and sitting on the counter.

She gave him a concerned sigh as Ben Parker walked into the kitchen barefoot carrying a dirty box filled with trophies.

"Ben Parker! Don't you even think about leaving that filthy box in my kitchen!" May exclaimed at her husband.

"These are my bowling trophies," He responded proudly.

"Oh, then by all means leave that filthy box in my kitchen," she said sarcasticlly.

Peter laughed while taking a sip from his Gatorade bottle, his Uncle turned his attention toward him.

"What happened to you?" he said putting the box onto the floor.

"He fell," May replied, "Why you kids ride those things I'll never know,"

"Because it's stupid and dangerous. Remember when we were stupid and dangerous?" Ben asked his wife.

"No," she said as seriously as possible.

"Trust me we were," Ben said to his nephew.

"Good to know," Peter responded chuckling, as he spoke his phone vibrated and he pulled it out of his pocket.

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