Chapter 1 Overprotective much?

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Narrator PoV

It was a bright morning, and two little twins were dripping with excitement. It was the day of Inami and Izuku Midoriya's quirk check up. Practically dragging the number 19 hero and there mom, Harlequin Flash (Inko Midoriya) out of bed, they were at their hero rant again.

Their most awaited day had finally come. At the doctor's office, they were morbidly staring at the doctor waiting to know their quirks while he studied the X-Ray results. Little did they know, their whole life was about to take a huge turn.

Inami PoV

Izuku and I look like a 4 year old who just got an entire toy shop bought to themself when all of a sudden our grins became even large for them to be turned into frowns.

The doctor uncle said, " Mrs. Midoriya, I have good and bad news. Young Inami here has a stronger version of your husband's quirk, being able to not only breathe fire, but also shoot fire from her hands and legs that she can control (as in the direction and intensity) as well. Practically something like Endeaver's but better. Little Izuku on the other hand weeeeelllllllllll......."

"what is it?" Inko had a hunch she didn't want to be true but the writer is way to excited writing this fanfic to just let Izuku have a strong quirk.

The doctor started, "He's quirkless." Izuku's face dropped when suddenly, "But there is hope. According to a theory by the no 1 hero, anyone why has two of the pinky joints will always manifest a quirk, people with one joint will be quirkless, but people with three pinky joints, will maybe able to manifest some sort of strong spiritual attributes. Though this is just a theory, and every one thinks that the Elemental Lord's (no 1 hero in Japan) spiritual talks and rambles are completely whack. Izuku could potentially have some power, though its highly unlikely.''

By this point, Izuku had past out from dehydration from all the crying. I couldn't do anything to comfort him even though I am his older sister( by 11 minutes), even though I had a great quirk, even I felt like breaking down because I knew how much this meant to Izu but I had to try my best.

Inko PoV

Several hours later, Izuku started waking up, on his bed, for a second looked around with confusion then the memories flashed back.

Izuku saw me standing next to his bed and he jumped at me right away. He was standing on his bed, crying his heart out on my shoulder, "I'm sorry mom I don't have a quirk I let you down, made you upset and I cant be a hero. I'm so sorry mom it's all my fault please forgi"

I immediately cut him of and gave him a soothing yet worried face "Don't you ever say that again young man. None of this is your fault and you will still be a hero no matter quirk or no quirk..."I don't know how at that moment I was able to hold in the tears.

"if anything, its my fault Izuku, never ever say that again. You are the most amazing person I have ever seen, and I'm more than overjoyed that I have you as a son! If anything thing, you will be a hero many times stronger than Elemental Lord himself and I have complete faith in you"

Inami PoV

'I mean even I'm a good girl and your daughter you know' I mumbled in my head but I dare not ruin the moment, because mommy is doing a dang good job supporting him and NOT CRYING???!!! How Is she not cr- oh there it is, the mom son duo secret quirk (LoL😂) tear river.

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