Chapter 13 Stealth Mission

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Then came the day of the Usj incident. Just read on how that went.

Real time Izuku PoV

It's been ten days since the talk with Denki and seeing him this happy makes me happy too.

I taught him some stuff so now he can channel his electricity all around his body and basically 5 fold increased in strength and 10 fold in speed.

He can now shoot lightning in one direction if he wishes. He has a tonne more control now has two super moves of his own he's working on. He started using a sword as a tribute to me which makes my heart melt.

He is also doing very good in martial art techniques. We have grown into quite the friends and that's why we're at my house playing smash bros.

"Denki, don't forget, we got the mission tomorrow, ok?"

"Dude, I asked you to cancel! I get you're a pro and all, but we're still students! We can't raid a Yakuza branch, ya thick head."

"Listen, we aren't raiding. We've just got to go and get some info on the illegal drugs they're manufacturing."

"Oh Come On!" I yell as I lose the round.

"I got two things for ya bro, one, you got to stop giving me money as an 'Internship salary' and two, you gotta stop risking your life literally every minute you're on a mission or patrol."

Then my room's door opens. In comes Ina.

"Hey Kaminari and Izuku, mom wants to talk to the both of you."

"Me too?" Asks Denki

"Why?" I ask

"How the heck am I supposed to know?"

"Ya, fine coming."

Two minutes later, we go down and ask mom what she wanted to talk about.

"Kaminari, Izuku, you're not going on the mission tomorrow."
"Why mom/Mrs. Midoriya ?"

"It's the god damn Yakuza for crying out loud"

"Thank you" Denki Said as if he was irritated at my stubbornness, but inside I knew he was excited.

"Mom, I'm you're son, the Harlequin Flash's. Stop worrying about me, I'm a pro hero now."

"But you have rescue training tomorrow at USJ"

"Mom, I can cover up the stuff they go through tomorrow. I'm sure my classmates would help me. And we'll be there for the first period. Just Chill"

"Yes, I don't mind it either." Denki decides to pitch in.

"Don't worry, the worst comes and I'll only die" I said in a joking tone because I wanted to see mom's reaction to it.

"You talk about dying and I'll make sure to revoke your license and force you to become a weather forcast person or something."

"Mom, You should take classes as to how to threaten people" Hearing my sarcastic voice say this, Denki started snickering like he's laughing, but with snickers.

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