1 - The Transference Effect

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I started an adaptation story in the middle of my busiest schedule as an escape from work stress so I apologize in advance because I'm gonna be slow to update in case you decided to follow this story.


by any means, enjoy!



"Yo, I'm coming in"

was the first thing this guy said on their first meeting, in front of Yin's condo, after banging on his door at 5 a.m in the morning.

"Sorry, but who are you?", Yin asked, hair still tousled by sleep but he was alert after opening his door to this person.

By the first glance Yin knew right away that the guy that was now sitting on his sofa is a member of some mafia gang. Bright patterned suits, slicked back hair and black slim sunglasses, showed up in ungodly hour. Anyone can tell he wasn't an ordinary salary office guy. Still, somehow Yin's instinct couldn't detect any malicious intent from this guy. That's why he decided to let him in, this was also because he didn't want to wake his neighbors up because of the door banging noises.

"Name's Wanarat, War Wanarat Ratsameerat, I'm here to give you this"

He dropped a thick envelope on to the table that separate them. Yin carefully took it and opened it. He almost surprised to find a huge sum of money inside of it.

"What's this for?"

"For helping me last night", War, apparently, said while blushing.

"Last night? also what's he's blushing for?"

Yin tried to recall the event last night when he was walking home after his shift was over. He saw someone chasing a guy while shouting thief. As an off duty police officer, Yin instinctively tried to help. Cutting the path of the alleged thief by taking a short route, he jumped in time to stopped him and pinned him to the ground by his arm. Soon, the guy who was chasing him arrived while panting.

"You......fuck.......give back my.....oh shit...... give me a minute", the guy said in between gasps.

"Did he steal anything from you?", Yin said, his arm still firmly pressing the groaning thief on the ground.

"My underwear! THIS FUCKER STOLE MY UNDERWEAR", the guy said while angrily pointing at the thief.

Yin spotted the said underwear in the thief's possession to confirm the accusation and sighed. Guess, he had to go back to the station after all.

"and who are you?", the guy turned to him.

"Oh, I'm out off duty now so you couldn't tell but I'm a police officer stationed in the next block's police station", Yin said, showing his badge, "I've called help, so don't worry, we-"

"What the fuck I don't need no police help tch!", he said  then he snatched the underwear from the thief "I'm getting out of here"

"Wait! No! The evidence!", Yin shouted in vain as the guy already turned around and dashed out of the street. Leaving Yin unable to catch up.

Yin tilted his head while carefully observing the mobster in front of him and the realization hit him. He reached for the sunglasses and took it off the man's face.

"So it is you! the underwear guy"

"Don't give me weird nickname dammit!", War snatched his shades back, while Yin just lost with the whole situation.

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