9 - The Mob Wife (Two)

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First Day

"I'm going to have you join the Ratsameerat group",

Yin sighed for the nth time remembering what happened that morning. As for that, he really was currently under a house arrest because Don really hadn't been letting Yin out of his sight. Well, it's not like Yin would try to escape tho. He felt like it'll be a futile efforts and he didn't think his life is in danger anyway. Still, Yin never thought he'd found words "like parents like son" be more fitting. A tsundere dad, an extremely intimidating mom and a son who seemed to have no fear at all. Ratsameerat family truly one of a kind.

"You don't have to stand guard P'Don, I won't escape, I promise", Yin politely said, knowing the gangster is older than him.

"Shut up. It's an order from madam to watch over you, so I will watch over you", he said, Yin wondered if he was still holding grudge against Yin for dating War. (he is).

"Okay then, I hope you don't sacrifice your hobbies just to watch me", Yin said, smiling to his guard.

"Don't smile at me yer bastard! you wanna get your skull bashed again huhh?!!"

"Ah.. it's not like that Phi, I genuinely-", Yin tried to reasoned with Don. His hands were raised in surrender.

"Don't call my name so casually, I'll bludge- URK!", Don was cut off mid threat with a ceramic bowl thrown at him.

Yes, a ceramic bowl, which had broken in two after collapsing with Don's face. That was a little too brutal that even Yin flinched after witnessing it.

"Yikes, that must've been hurt", Yin said to himself.

"Oii Don, you had the nerve to threaten my Yin huh? Do you have a dead wish?", War said as he approached where Yin and Don were while holding another bowl in his hand.

"Wa-Waka.....are these from the cupboard over there?", Don said, while holding on to his bleeding nose.

"What about it? huh?",

"That's Madam's favorite collection, I'm a dead meat", cried Don.

"I'll tell mae you didn't broke it. Now quit your bitching and get lost!"

"Waka so mean, *hiks*"


Yin witnessed the whole exchange feeling sorry for Don but then again he was glad he finally got the man off his back plus finally alone time with War.

"You changed your clothes", Yin said, asking for War's hand which the later accepted as Yin guided him to sit beside him. War wore a traditional Yukata for men with his hair down. He looked so delicate and graceful, Yin might be loving it too much.

"Yeah, that hag will throw me out of the house if I didn't", War grumbled.

"Ah, I see. Now that you mentioned it, your dad also wear Yukata that one time we had dinner together", Yin said, recalling the time when they had a dinner together.

"I can't stand this clothes", War whined.

"What a shame....you look good in it", Yin said, glancing at War with a fond smile in his face.

Seeing his boyfriend still holds the fondest expression when he looks at him even though his family has been nothing but a nuisance to Yin, War fell into one of his guilt episode.

"M'sorry, this is happening to you", War said while fumbling with his hands.

Yin didn't want War to blame himself as he patted his head in understanding, "No use crying over a spilled milk, right?"

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