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We got another new alter today. Welcome Rantaro Amami. -T

We've been arguing over him all day lol -Kokichi


Kokichi woke up in a shocked panic when he realized Izuru wasnt next to him when he awoke. He quickly jumped out of bed and threw a shirt on, racing downstairs.

"So we think its best-..."

Kokichi's feet hit the bottom step and he stumbled off of the stairs into the living room, where a very exhausted and slightly injured Izuru stood, slouched, his arms being held by two very very tall men.

Another male in a suit spoke seriously with the familiar Hajime, who was sadly trying to negotiate with this group of men. Kokichi froze, confusion racing through his head. "Hey whoa whoa whoa- what the hell is going on!?"  Kokichi shouted, his voice still hoarse from sleep.

Everyone turned their heads towards him and stared in shock at the sudden appearance. "Young man, who are you." "Who am I? Why would you need to know that- put my boyfriend down!" Kokichi tried to jog towards Izuru but instead was pushed backwards by a man in a suit.

The one who was talking to Hajime raised an eyebrow and then turned back to Hajime. "Hinata, you did not tell me he had a significant other." "Why would I tell you that? You're already gauged your way into my brother's business, why does his love life concern you?" Hajime snarled, making the man sigh.

"That means hes capable of having feelings for someone. Which is very important information," the man turned back to Kokichi, "sir, may I ask, how long have you been together?"

Kokichi flinched back and glared at the guy, "Put. Him. Down." He demanded, making the suited man angrily sigh again.

"We cant put him down. Hes a threat to society-" the man was cut off by Hajime barking, "A threat!? He was minding his own business and you broke into my house and beat the living shit out of him for no reason! Tell me, who is he threatening?" Hajime growled and the man glared at him.

"This is ridiculous- look at him! Does he look normal to you!?" The man shouted. Izuru lifted his head a little, a tired glare on his bruised and cut face. His red eyes pierced into the back of the man's head. Hajime was close to losing it, and he approached the guy with a dark look on his face.

The man reached out and pushed Hajime back a little. Izuru lowered his head again and grumbled, "Please, please dont touch him." Izuru mumbled and the man snapped his attention to Izuru. "Woah... he spoke." The man said in disbelief.

"Yeah no shit! He's a human being!" Kokichi shouted, making the man growl again. "God damn it- no he is not!" The man yelled, making Kokichi flinch. Izuru drooped his head lower and let out a shaky sigh. "Don't. scare him." Izuru said a little louder, making the man freeze up a little. "See!? This is exactly what I mean! That thing is a threat to society and we need to take it back where it came from!" The man pointed a shaky hand at Izuru, making Hajime chuckle.

"Sir, it seems to me like you're the only one intimidated by him." Hajime sarcastically grinned. The man glared at Hinata and cursed at him. Kokichi made another attempt to push his way to Izuru, only resulting in being shoved to the floor. Kokichi cried out a little and flinched violently.

That was all it took.

In a quick flash, all of the men that were in suits were on the floor. Not dead, but very very injured. Pink liquid coated Izuru's clothes and splattered across his cheek.

Hajime and Kokichi froze in shock, staring at Kamukura in disbelief. Of course, Izuru had hurt thousands of people before, but he never acted quite like this. This time was different.

He looked... angry. His chest heaved and released shaky, loud breaths. His teeth clenched together tightly, his sharp fang-like k9s beared at the men on the floor. His bloodied hands shook a little, his fingers twitching. His hair covered his eyes mostly so it was hard to tell what furious look he had in his eyes.

"I told you," Izuru said between ragged breaths, "I told you not to scare him. And what did you do." He looked dow at the man that shoved Kokichi, pressing his foot against the man's shoulder and pushing, rolling the chubby man over onto his back.

"I swear I give you all warnings. This time was more serious though. Now get out of my house, because right now I will not hesitate to kill you with my bare hands, because you placed yours on my lover." Izuru announced, making all of the men get up and limp out of the house quickly.

Izuru wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and cleared his throat. "My... sincerest apologies for you having to see that at 10:30 in the morning. Brother, you can leave now, I genuienly appreciate your attempts at helping." Izuru nodded his head at Hajime and he nodded back, immediately leaving.

Izuru kneeled down and lifted Kokichi to his feet, pulling him into his chest. "I've had really strange situations happen to me.. I've even met a small green haired child who almost ended the planet. But men in suits have never broken into my house just to beat me up and shout that I am apparently a threat." Izuru let out a chuckle, Kokichi felt it rumble in his chest.

"Izuru, I'd love to keep holding you like this but you're covered in blood." "Ah yes, human pain liquid. Let's go get this off of me, it tastes bad," Izuru paused for a second before grinning a little and stroking a finger over Kokichi's neck, "..though I'm sure yours tastes amazing-" "IZURU!" Kokichi squealed and went red, pushing himself out of his lovers' embrace.

Izuru chuckled again and closed one eye, smirking. "That was my attempt at humor. But on a serious note, this does taste quite awful, so I'd like to get it off of me." "Fine, I'll go help you clean it off. Don't bite me in the process though." Kokichi sarcastically mumbled, making Izuru grin a little as Kokichi walked off to the bathroom.

"I make no promises~"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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