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They all woke up in a mysterious classroom, inside a locker with a buddy next to them. Let's focus on one in particular, a classroom where a dramatic love story began. Kaito Momota, an eccentric fun loving high school kid that looked like he couldn't afford the very much needed therapy. And Kokichi ouma, a lying demon child that was somehow still alive and looked like a 12 year old fortnite gamer. (They're both 15)

Kaito was the first to regain consciousness. He stumbled out of the locker and fell to the floor in shock. 'Where am I? What the-' before he could finish his thought, he felt something fall on top of him. "Ah! A human! No. Something even more disgusting." Said a high pitched voice. Kaito felt the weight lifted off of his back, unpinning him from the ground. 

He stood up to see the source of the weird comment, and looked up to see a boy and it all made sense. Weird fashion, weird hair, weird voice, weird comment. He felt as if he transcended the universe with this knowledge. The boy was super short, or maybe Kaito was just super tall, either one. He had shoulder length purple hair that stuck out everywhere, and wore a checkered scarf over all white clothes. Him on the other hand, had-

"Haha, staring at my beauty? I wouldn't be surprised you'd be jealous when you walk around looking like an 80's rockstar! hehee. Say, you could be a mascot for my secret organization! It has over 1000000000000000000000 members. C'mon, you be my spokesman!" 

"Just who do you think you are? We woke up in a weird place and that's the first thing you say? Are you kidding me?!" Kaito shot back. 'Seriously, whoever he is needs to just listen to me. And 100000000 whatever members? Ridiculous.' 

The boy looked at him in utter grief and said with a trembling lip. "WAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAHWWAAHAAHAACXDFCGVHUIYGTFVUHBIVXYDUHIGDWHUYBDUHYCDYUHCHYDHYBUC WHYYYYYYYYYYYD YOU EVER SAY SOMETHING SO MEANDNNDNCNHJWDBHCIUWyuCZhUEHH?!!!!!!!" Okay, more like screamed but you get the point. "Oh, and I'm Kokichi Ouma, The Ultimate Supreme Leader! What Looney Tunes character are you?" And just a second ago he was screaming his head off.

Kaito ignored his question and just introduced himself.  "I'm Kaito Momota! The Ultimate Astronaut! Well, I'm still a trainee, but one day I will go to space! I'm positive."    "Haha, I think you will too!" Finally, The first nice thing he's said to poor Kaito. "Well, That's a lie obviously." 


Kaito sighed in annoyance and started walking out of the classroom away from Kokichi. That made stupid Ouma go full crocodile tears mode. Screaming and practically being dragged by Kaito who tried his best to ignore him. After about 5 seconds of this made him turn around and sock Kokichi in the jaw. Serves him right. 'What a fricking child.' 

"OOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW THAT HURTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" He cried in 'pain.' "When will you stop being so dramatic and address the situation! I know it's hard to understand what's happening, but freaking out is no way to go about it! Maybe we didn't start off on the right track but if we work together now-"

"Ah but that's boring. C'mon, can't you take a joke every once in a while?" After that, Kokichi finally wasn't a screaming fit and agreed to follow him around for the time being. They eventually found a gym filled a bunch of people of different shapes and sizes wearing less than average clothes. "Ah, I see we have more people. Welcome. Do you remember how you got here?" A sage haired lady asked. "Ah, no, sorry." Kaito replied.

As soon as a blue haired boy walked in the room, Kaito was immediately mesmerized. He had this calming aura to him that no one else had, which made his heart skip a beat. You could say the same for his little acquaintance that totally ruined his chance to say hi. He casually walked up to him like an old friend. "Shuichi OMG hey!"  Well maybe he was an old friend. Lucky..

"Oh, Kokichi, I didn't expect to see you here. At least I know someone wherever this is." Kokichi's eyes were lit up with joy in the presence of Shuichi. As if he was an entirely different person, way less annoying than how he was with Kaito. 'Geez, can't he act like that all the time,' he thought. Shuichi seemed more reserved and tolerant of his behavior, so polite and kind to all the people he was introduced to. Kaito couldn't help but smile being around him. He wasn't the only one who thought that way, and it was super obvious. 

He notice the dude who forgot is talent, Rantaro chuckling to himself about something and then asking, "Have y'all ever heard of the ultimate hunt?" "No, is that your talent or something?" Kokichi asked. "Oh, no nevermind." Rantaro didn't say any more. 'What a weirdo,' thought Kokichi. 'His voice is pretty smooth not gonna lie, but not smooth as my pick up lines I totally won't use on Shuichi.'

Then what happened next won't surprise you, assuming you've played the game.

(Please have mercy on my laziness)

All the monokubs and monokuma appeared and explained all the rules to the killing game, gave everyone a student handbook yada yada. 

"What? This is a joke right?" "We'll never play this stupid game!" *Intense sobbing* "HELLPPP! SOMEONE!" The whole situation filled the gym of all kinds of chatter and emotions. Many thought this was some sick joke, while others freaked out, and others calmly planned their next move. Kokichi on the other hand, is not like other girls and started laughing hysterically and saying things like, I'll kill all y'all, We're all gonna die!! Ah yes, the quirky girl strikes back. 

They all decided to go find a way to escape. While searching, they discover a manhole, except it looks too heavy to lift. "Gonta can do it!" The conveniently muscular dude who somehow got into this school said. He opened it up to find a passageway with a sign that says 'EXIT.' "Maybe that's the way out!" Kaede exclaimed. "Isn't that a bit suspicious?" asked Shuichi. "I mean, it's a bit too convenient with it all out in the open."

"Wow you're so smart, Shuichi!" Kaito shouted. "No... it's just common sense.." Shuichi muttered. They gave it a shot anyway. It was some kind of parkour course. They didn't last long at all. All of them woke up in a daze right where they started.

...Many failed attempts later...

"We got this! Just one more try and we'll get out!" Kaede encouraged everyone. "Sorry but, it's impossible." The purple bitch complained. "Your pushing us too far, if we couldn't do then, what makes you think we could do it now? It's pretty idiotic if you ask me." "I agree with him. I can barely walk, let alone do that again." Tsumugi said. They all walked away to their rooms leaving just Kaede and Kaito there.

"Hey, don't listen to them, trying to help us isn't stupid, I think it's pretty noble if you ask me." Kaito smiled. "Especially that Kokichi guy, he seems no good." "Thank you. Don't get killed tonight haha!"

 'I can tell Kokichi's gonna be one of those people. I just can't understand them.' Kaito thought. 

A/N: Yuh it'll get better I promise lmao.

I also realized I shouldn't have posted this when I have nothing else written

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