Chapter 1-1 : Trip to france

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Y/N - your name

M/N - your mother


Well today was unexpected, the day that me and mother have to move to pairs France, and all I say is that, I'm was very surprised about this, I'm gonna miss my only friend, and the one I love, anyway I'm just going to see how life in Paris could be

M/N : Y/N wake up, come and pack your stuff, were moving to Paris

You pretend you were still sleeping

M/N : Y/N, don't make me come up there and force you out of bed, I will if I have too mister

Y/N : ( sigh ) alright mom, I'm coming

As you got in the bathroom took a shower dried off and got dressed while you were packing your stuff, you went downstairs while your mother was in the kitchen

M/N : Y/N, are you ready

Y/N :... yes mom...

M/N : look Y/N, I know your still concerned about you missing your friends and all, but you'll make new new friends in Paris, and I have a new job opportunity there too, so I hope you understand

Y/N ( kinda smile ) : ok mom

M/N : good sweetie, come on and eat your breakfast I prepared for you while I get my other things ok

Y/N ( little smile ) : yes mom

M/N : good ( pecks your forehead )

When you went to the kitchen while your mother went to pack the rest of her things, you saw she made your favorite and left you a note beside it

Note : please try to be happy and let's try to get a new start in Paris, at least for me, love mother

Y/N : ( blushes a little ) heh, I'll try ( thought's : maybe it's time to make some new, who knows I'll find a new love interest soon )

As you finished your breakfast, your mother was in the bathroom getting her makeup on, you were sitting on the couch with your headphones on and listening to your favorite nightcore music, When your mother got out of the bathroom, she got her suitcase ready

M/N : Y/N are you ready

Y/N : ( put headphones Around the back of your head ) yes mom

M/N : good Y/N, can you sit in the front seat next to me, please
( She gave you the eye's )

Y/N :... ( sigh ) alright, guess I'll put our suitcases and luggage in the backseat

M/N : ( giggles ) thanks Y/N, you really a great help ( pulls you in for a hug )

Y/N : mom please, it's embarrassing

As you got in the front seat of the car
Your mother wink at you

Y/N : ( thought's : why does she always have to do that )

Your mother giggles as your mother put a house for sale sigh of the lawn before leaving for the airport, as you both were in the parking lot

M/N : alright sweetie, were here

As you got out of the car and help with the luggage, once we got inside

Speaker : next flight attending for Paris, in 20 minutes


As we both heard we two quickly got in line, as a result there actually was a short line, it only took 5 minutes before getting to the register

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