Chapter 1-4 : Change of Weather ( Part 2 )

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Marinette POV

Bridgette and I were in the park talking about what we did over the past years while living separately, as I was telling her about what was happening to me at school.

Bridgette : so let me get this all straightened out just so I can understand you. You're saying that your life was peaceful until Lila showed up and started making lies about you, and almost all of your friends turned against you.

Marinette : yep, pretty much. I was only trying to tell the truth but no one believed me, and now almost all of them see me as nothing but a bully.

Bridgette : woah, who are the people that still believe you

Marinette : well, there's Zoe Lee. Aurore Beauréal. And Kagami Tsurugi.

Bridgette : hm. At least they have common sense. Unlike those so-called FAKE friends you used to have. Besides you didn't really need them.

Marinette : tell me about it. I didn't realize that until now. Besides I always wondered why they always don't talk to me much.

Bridgette : guess so. But did you made any new friends?

Marinette : well I did. There is this guy I met just yesterday, his nam-

Y/N : Marinette.

When Marinette and Bridgette saw you were walking, but you weren't alone, when they saw you were walking with Kagami

Marinette : Kagami? What are you doing here?

Kagami : it's a long story. But I did become
Y/N's step sister.

Marinette and Bridgette were shocked to hear what kagami said.

Bridgette : really?

Kagami : yep.

Y/N : Oh! Where are my manners, Marinette could you introduce to-

Marinette : Oh sorry. This is my twin sister. Bridgette. Bridgette this is my new friend
Y/N L/N.

When Bridgette saw you as she had a slight blush on her face, when she reached out her hand.

Y/N : nice to meet you Bridgette.

Bridgette ( slightly blushing ) : n-nice to meet you too. Y/N

When you both shake hands while Bridgette was trying not to pass out while her twin sister was holding her, when Bridgette let go of your hand and Marinette was still holding her.

Marinette ( whispering ) : it's okay Bridgette, I know how you felt when I first met him.

Bridgette ( whispering ) : now I know how you feel when you get shy and flustered.

Y/N : okay... So what are you two doing here?

Bridgette : Marinette and I were just talking about what was happening at sc-

When Marinette covered her twin sister's mouth

Marinette : important sibling stuff.

Y/N : Marinette, do you wanna talk about it.

When Kagami and Bridgette looked at Marinette before she sighed and gave up

Marinette : ( sigh ) fine. I'll tell you, but could you guys sit with us too

Bridgette / Kagami : Sure / I guess I could

When you, Marinette, Bridgette, and Kagami sat down on the bench as she was telling you about what happened during school

Somewhere in a dark basement below where no one can find, as a man was rising from the elevated circle

??? : The vibrations are so strong... I can feel the imminent anger and sadness... The moment of weakness of my next victim, such easy prey for my Akuma.

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