Chapter 1-5 : Change of Weather ( Part 3 )

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As I was talking with the girls at the park while trying to help Marinette to move on from her trust issues.

Y/N : so... That's really what happened to you lately?

Marinette : ( sigh ), yes. And it keeps getting worse day by day it gets worse. and one of them almost tried to hurt me once, but I was managed to get away from that point.

Y/N : Woah! That's really hard to deal with trust issues.

Marinette : yeah... I know.

When you looked at Marinette's sad face as you knew that her life wasn't going so easy, when Bridgette saw a merry-go-round no far from where you both are while the others are other there.

When Bridgette tapped you on your shoulder.

Y/N : hm?

Bridgette was pointing at the Merry-go-round as kagami was near it to experience what regular people do for fun, since she never had a chance to experience it before. That is where you knew what Bridgette was trying to say.

Y/N : hey Marinette.

Marinette : ( sniff ). Hm?

Bridgette : we were thinking that if we could spend sometime on the Merry-go-round and maybe you'll try and forget about these bad memories.

Marinette : ( sniff ), I'd appreciate your help guys. But don't you think we're a little bit too old to be on the merry-go-round an-

When Marinette was going to continue her sentence before there was screaming which caught the there's attention, when the three saw a mysterious weather girl slowly floating in the air.

When she swings her umbrella to let out a powerful wind current that blows some of the people at the park while kagami was pushed back onto the Merry-go-round.

Y/N / Marinette / Bridgette : Kagami!

When the three Tried to get to her before the weather girl trapped the remaining people around the merry-go-round in a dome that was made purely out of ice.

While Marinette and Bridgette runs to the other side of the park for safety while you couldn't catch up to them because due to the strong wind. But you managed to reach the dome of ice

Kagami : Y/N!

Y/N : don't worry kagami, I'll get you out of there... Somehow?

Kagami : Watch Out!

Y/N : Hm?

When kagami alerted you that there was a car heading for you before moving. it took some slight damage to the dome of ice.

Y/N ( mind ) : that took some slight damage, but I better get out of here if I want to free kagami from this dome of ice. Sorry Kagami.

You got separated from kagami and were forced to hid in an empty alley. When Marinette looked to see no one was around before tikki came out of her bag.

Marinette : I know I was going to feel better, but this is not the time right now.

Tikki : Agreed.

Marinette : Wait! Where's Y/N and Bridgette?

Tikki : we can look for them later, they're probably in a safe area to hide.

Marinette : I guess you're right.

When she take a peak and saw the mysterious weather girl was still causing damage throughout half of Paris. When she knew that she had to make the right choice.

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