Ch 5. Lonely dance

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The glee club started. Everybody is sitting down and listing to Mr. Schue.

"Alright people. Today weeks is about..." Will walks towards the whiteboard and write. "before the glee club." He stops writing and turn back towards the club member. "This week you guys sing about your life before the glee club, what kind of life you had or how you were before. Understand?"

Everybody nods and understands. The glee club meeting gets going till it is over.


Y/N and Finn are walking in the school hallways, talking each other.

"You need to SING this week." Finn tries to convince Y/N to sing in front of the glee club, but it doesn't work at all.


"C'mon Y/N! What should I do in order you to sing?" Finn begs.

Y/N sighs and open his locker. "Nothing. You can do nothing about it."

Finn looks around. His eyes lit up when Puck walk next to both guys. "Puck! Puck! Come here."

Puck stand next to Finn with a confuse face. "What?"

"Don't you want to hear Y/N sing?"

He looks even more confuse. "No, not really, no."

Finn looks intense at Puck. "Just say yes." He yells whispers.

"Uhh... yeah, I want to hear you sing Y/N." Puck says awkwardly.

"See! Even Puck want to hear it!" Finn smiles at Y/N.

"Bye Finn." Y/N walks away towards his next class.


Y/N is sitting at the lunch table with the people he sat last week.

"When are you going to sing Y/N?" Mercedes asks.

Y/N groans. "O god, did Finn ask you too to convince me?"

"Yeah, but he's right." Blaine comment. "You should try to get out of your shell."

"I agree." Tina says. "I was very shy first, but when I try to sing, I feel more confident about myself. I know you are still scared about showing yourself, but you can still try to get out of your shell, one step at a time."

Y/N sighs. "Do I have to?"

"Only if you want to." Mike added.

"And no matter what happened, we will support you." Artie smiles Y/N. 

Y/N is closing his eyes. "Fine, I do it."

They all smile. "Great!" Kurt says excitedly. "You will be great!"

Y/N looks down at his food. "What did I get into?"


Glee club started and everybody is singing their songs. Rachel is currently about to end her performs. After she is done singing, most people clap at her performs.

"Good job Rachel," Will claps excitedly. "But you know the theme is about your life before glee club, not your life right now."

"I know." Rachel smiles. "But my life before the glee is the same right now, successful."

"But surely there are some differences between now and then." Schue doubt Rachel.

"Well Mr. Schue- "

"O my god, can the next person sing?" Santana groans and roll her eyes.

Rachel sighs and sits down. Schue smiles at the club members. "Alright, who's next?"

"Y/N is." Finn says and gives Y/N a pat on the shoulder.

"Eh?" Y/N looks confuse.

"Alright Y/N, let show what you got!" Schue smiles at the E/C boy.

Y/N sighs. "Fine then."

Y/N stands up and stand in front of the glee club. Y/N looks nervously at the club members. Some of them are smiling excitedly. Others have just a blank face and other people doesn't seem to care. Y/N begins to sweat. He then lay eyes on Finn, who is smiling at him. He gives Y/N a thumb up. Y/N then let out a sigh and begin to sing.

After Y/N is done with singing and looks at glee club members. Finn smiles and begins clapping. The rest soon follows. Y/N nervously smiles at them, not getting use of the praise. Will walks over to Y/N and smiles proudly at Y/N.

"You did great Y/N. You should be proud of yourself."

Y/N smiles great fully. "Thank you, Mr. Schuester." He then looks over to Finn who's smiling at him brightly. Y/N smiles back. 'Goddamn, he got a dorky smile, but a cute one.'

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