Part 1

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Thank you for reading this story. It is my first and hopefully I will complete it. It will contain abuse but it won't be to detailed so I will but a TW if it will be much abuse. Pls comment and give me your opinions. Thanks again <3

The Beginning

Jisung POV

Why me? Why do I have this shitty life? Why can't my family be normal? Why can't I have such a perfect life like everyone else? Why just why?

So many questions and I can't even answer one of them. I feel like I should introduce myself. Hi I'm Han Jisung, born on the 14th September 2000 and my life is shit. Okay now back to the story.

,,HAN JISUNG COME HERE YOU USELESS CHILD'', my mum yelled. I run down in the kitchen to my parents and wait for my mum to continue. ,,GO TO SCHOOL AND DON'T EVEN DARE TO COMEBACK WITH THAT YONGBOK FRIEND OF YOURS OR YOU KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN''. Everyday she says the same thing, I don't even know why she hates yongbok so much but probably because she hates me and he is my only source of happiness so she has to destroy it. Like a demon.

As i walk to my old car and drive to school I already know that it will be boring again. ,,Felix yooooo what's up?'',, Hyungggggg hi", Felix said while we hugged. He is my soulmate and sunshine. ,, We haven maths now, let's go'', I said as we are going tough the halls. That's when I saw him....
The worst person ever. Lee Minho. Hot, rich and fake. Everyone believes he has a heart of gold but not me. I see the fakeness and arrogance in him. He has everything and even good grades. I sometimes wish I could have his life but no I hate him too much for this. He looks at me with some look I can't describe but looks away as I glared at him. Pfff such an asshole.

,, Omg Hyung, do you think we will get into Jyp?"
,,Sure lixie, but I hope no one from our school will be there."
We continued to talk until the bell rang. The rest at the day was boring, besides that Minho fake smiled at me and asked me if I wanted to hang out. Ewwww.

As i opened the front door of my house I was slapped. My dad. He yelled. ,,WHY WAS THERE A LETTER FROM JYP ENTERTAINMENT"

No no no no no
This can't be happening
Shit they know
I will die
They will kill me

I ran as fast as I could to my room and cried. As i opened the letter, I saw what I didn't expect

TO: Han Jisung

We would like to inform you, that you passed the audition and are expected to train here everyday from 8pm till 1am....

Just maybe
My life isn't a total mess


Sorry for this short chapter. There isn't much Minsung in it but I just wanted to introduce Sungs life and feelings in this Chapter.
Next Chapter will be about Minho's life.

Xoxo Autor

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