Part 2

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Jisung POV

"Lixiiiiii I did it. I mean we did it, our dream will come true!" I scream at Felix and we dance our dance that we always do when we are happy. Now nothing will go wrong anymore.

Or so I tought.

Today is our first day as trainees and we will meet the other ones that will help us there. As we go into the Building I See a familiar car but I didn't think about it anymore because there are many blue sport cars. That was mistake number one.

As we enter we are told to go to room 100 where the Coaches are. I smiled at Lixi as we go trough the halls. Both happy and nervouse but more happy. As we Walk in silence i start to imagine what this opportunity could change in my life. Naturally there are negative things but more positive like I don't have to live with my parents anymore at some point.

The staff is looking at us with observational eyes. They are watching every movement that we make so they can report it to JYP.

As i look around for the first time I saw other people, probably trainees and more staff members. But one face I recognize immediately.
Why the heck is Chan here? Is he also a staff?

As Chan is walking to us he smiles. He greets us and we greet back. "So what u doing here" I asked curiously. "Oh, u didn't know hahahahaha. I am a trainee here. To be more specific I am here since 7 years." He said and laughed. Then he explained to us that a few of his friends are here and that because he is a trainee for that long, JYP said he could form a group in the next few months.
I have to say, I am impressed by this man. I really would like to be his friend but his best friend is Minho so yeah no thanks.
As i am starting to think of him again, I hear someone talking that sounds exactly like him. Creepy I have to be hallucinating things.

And that's when the door opened and the one and only Lee fking Minho is walking trough the door.
He even looks hot just while walking-
What did I just think-
I just don't have enough sleep so I can't think straight. Yup this is the reason.

As he is going to us (probably because Chan is here as well next to me and Felix) the staff members start talking.

"Okay we don't have much time so I will shortly explain the rules of being a trainee if u break any of these u will be no longer a trainee here or somewhere else, so your dream of being an idol will stay a dream. If u already know the rules then just listen again. So now to the rules.
1) No alcohol
2) No drugs
3) No tattoos
4) No clubs
5) Training as Long as your trainer says
6) Be respectful to your seniors and to the staff, this will make your life easier
7) Avoid scandals
8) Diets are strict to follow
9) We don't care how much you work or how much you are in pain but u have to learn everything till it is perfect
10) There are monthly battles and the person with the lowest poins will go home. If a person is good at a thing where another one is lacking, then this person has to teach the skills to the lacking person. And no you can't decide who will help why
11) If u are close to debut you will live in a dorm with your team members
12) The most important thing: NO DATING

Thanks for listening bye"

And with this I turned to Felix and said how stupid some of this rules where and that some are obvious but, it was Minho I was talking to and not Felix....

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