This can't be!

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"What? Who.... Why is he here?! Is it because he wanted to see me again? Or payback for who the hell knows what." Calum thought. Their eyes still fixated on each others. They didn't move. The school bell rang and everybody got up. Everybody moved, except them.

" Calum. Do you mind taking Ashton to his next class if you don't mind? Its ok if your a little late. Ill let all the teachers know." Mrs. Johanson smiled thankfully. Calum waited a minute and nodded, grabbing his books. He smiled at the principal and the teacher and left. They both awkwardly walked down the hallway. Calum spotted a bathroom and he grabbed Ashton's wrist, then pushing him into a stall and locking the door behind them, then pinning him to the wall.

" What a surprise..." Calum growled. After all this time. No calls, no shit.
" W-Wait! I can explain!" Ashton squeaked in fear, gazing into Calum's eyes. Calum scoffed and stoodback, waiting for his explanation.

" MOM, I DONT WANT TO LEAVE!" Ashton screamed. His parents were fighting about something stupid after Calum left from their playdate.
" Ash! Please don't argue..." She spoke lowly. Her father rushed in.
" I can't let you take my boy! I...I wouldn't know what to do with mysel-"
" Learn to live and forget..." She already packed Ashton's bag and went out to the car.
His father held him close and they both wept. When his mother came back, she rolled her eyes and pulled Ash away. Carrying a kicking and screaming kid to a car doesn't seem bad enough, his father ran out. Begging not for him to go, but the mother ignored and sped off. That was when he saw Calum.

~Flashback ending~

Ashton teared up, biting his lip to hold back his sobs. Calum's soft spot was hit. He let go and held him, letting him cry in his shoulder. For a little, he felt bad that he did that.

" You don't have to tell me now..." Calum sighed and pulled him away. His thumb wiped a tear from his eye. Ashton looked up and thought, then a sift smile crept on his face. Calum thought hard. He took a deep breath and dragged his thumb from Ash's cheek, to his lips, tracing them out. Ashton blushed a little, letting out a soft groan. Calum leaned in, forgetting about everything.

Their lips met....and sparks flew.

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