Love Me

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Calum sighed and held the back of Ashton's neck. Ash groaned and pulled him close, just enjoying the simple pleasure of his soft lips. He grinned and bit his bottom lip, looking at Calum. He pulled away and stared into his eyes.

"" Ash spoke softly as Calum looked. He pulled Ashton over his body and made him straddle and kissed him even more, his lips aching for his. Ashton ran fingers through Cal's hair and sucked on his tongue a little.

" Boys?" Calum's mother called from the porch, but they were too busy enjoying themselves.

" BOYS!!" She yelled and Calum's eyes opened wide. He pulled Ashton off and looked through the small cracked window.

" Come down! It's almost time for you two to go to that party. You don't want to be late do you?" She rested a hand on her hip and smiled, with a little sass in her voice. The boys looked at each other.

" We'll finish this later..." They both said and ran out of the treehouse and went down the ladder zooming past Cal's mom and went up into his room, picking out clothes.

" Here..if you want to wear this you can if you'd like?" He threw him a pair of black jeans, a red Ash shirt and a black bandana. Cal chose to wear a simple white tee shirt and skinny blue jeans with black converses with a navy blue snap back. They both spiffied up and went right down stairs in about 30 minutes. Cal grabbed his keys.

" We'll be back ma! Call if you need me..." He kissed her cheek and walked out the door, Ash sheepishly waved bye to his mom and hopped in the car.

The road seemed long as the car drove down. The trees looked as if they were reaching for the car and to throw them to their destination. Silence filled the car and their minds. Cal's hands grabbed tightly on the steering wheels and kept close eye on his surroundings, as for Ashton, he looked for something to do. He looked at the ON switch of the radio and a Fall Out Boy song played. Calum looked at his hand, then the radio.

" What is this song?" Ashton's eyes filled with shock.

" ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?! After all these years you forgot our song Just One Yesterday?" He rolled his eyes and chuckled since he was just pulling on his leg.

Calum laughed and turned it up and they both sang along:

🎶 If heaven's grief, brings hell's rain. Then I'd trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday...🎶

The car came to a stop at this big modern mansion. A boy with bluish hair popped out and saw Calum. He jumped with joy and raced to him.

" Yo dude! What's up?" He fist pumped him. Ashton tilted his head and got out. The boy looked at Ashton with surprise.

" Hey ghost boy...missed ya.." He hugged him and smiled.

Calum spoke with a smooth tone. " Remember Michael?"

" I think so..." He looked at him with a curious look. He remembers the silly fetus he was friends with, but he matured.

Michael laughed and squeezed his shoulder.

" Come on boys...where did the party go huh?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2015 ⏰

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