Letting Loose

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" Like around 8 pm. It's at my friend's house. It's going to be a lot of fun." Calum smirked and ran his fingers through his hair. He looked up at the ceiling and kicked his leg up on the arch of the couch. Ashton watched him and grinned.

" Guess I have to go.." Ashton shrugged and bit his lip. He looked out the window from were he sat at and noticed a small little tree house.

" is that.....?" Ashton stood. Calum looked at him and sat up, he walked behind him and saw the same thing. He smiled and walked outside with no warning. He began to walk. Ashton noticed and ran after him, constantly stumbling on himself. He grinned and chanted.

" I'm going beat you!" He smiled and ran. Calum smirked and took the challenge. He sped faster than a race car down a dirt track. Ashton, amazed at the sight, picked up his pace and touched the tree first.

" Ha! Told you!!" He stuck out his tongue and began to climb the rope ladder like he used to as a kid. He stood on the floor made up of planks. Ashton looked down and saw Calum.

" It's good." He motioned him to come up and he did. Calum cautiously climbed and stood upon the old wood floor. He smiled and looked around.

" I remember I loved this view..." He spun and saw the door. He opened it and crawled inside, Ashton following behind him. They both sat beside each other. Inside was the size of maybe half of a bedroom and it was filled with doodles and books. They both searched around, until Calum came upon a photo album saying:


He sat back and opened it. Ashton curiously looked with him. Their pictures when they were kids made them laugh, from Halloween, to Christmas when Calum got his first guitar, a base of course. That was also when Ashton got his first drum set. They wanted to start a band called Five Seconds of Summer but they couldn't find other people so they dropped it. At the end of memory lane, they came upon a blank page.

" That was...when I left.." Ashton spoke softly. His eyes began to sting with hurting tears. Calum rubbed it's glossy surface and felt a piece of paper. He pulled it out and unfolded it gently, inside was a picture of the two of them and their names. He smiled and heard Ashton sniffle.

Ashton smiled, feeling tears roll down his cheeks. Calum turned to him and wiped them away with his thumb. He pulled him close and kissed his forehead gently. Ashton smiled and moved his face angling it to his lips, he pushed them against his lips and held it.

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