Back in the Past

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Calum pulled away softly, his lips breaking slowly from Ashton's. He looked up into his brown eyes and sneaked a smirk. He then teared up again, making Calum feel even worse.

" Whats wrong now Ashy?" He looked at him. Ashton patted the tears away with his sleeves and sniffled.
" I-I have never...seen you so hurt. W-Why me..." He slid against the wall, falling slowly onto the floor. He held his knees to his chest, letting his hot tears stream down his face. Calum slouched beside him and sighed, softly hitting his head against the wall. He turned his head, glancing at Ashton and bear hugged his head.

" What the-" Ashton gasped and tried tearing away, but he couldn't bear to not laugh.
" Don't you remember?" Calum loosened his grip on his head and laughed. Ashton thought for a second and chuckled. Calum laid him down and pinned him to the bathroom floor.

" Remember this?" Calum whispered in his ear. He hasped and nodded, loosening up a little. He smiled against his neck and kissed it, sucking on his sweet soft skin. Ashton trembled and ran his fingers through his hair. Calum groaned his name as his hands snaked under his shirt. Ashton bit his lip and groaned quietly. As soon as he was about to take off his shirt, the school bell rung.

" Shit..." Calum face palmed and got up, pulling Ashton to his feet.

" Just come to my house later."
" A-Alright.."
A guy walked in going to do his biz when he saw them both walked out. Calum noticed the stupid grin on his face. He stepped up to him.

" You getting in my business? Stand and me." He growled and stared at him. He was taller that Calum. His blonde quiff stood perfectly, and his lip piercing was black. They stared and Calum stomped, making the guy flinch.

" Guess I won.." He smirked and walked out, waiting for Ashton outside. Ashton apologized to the poor guy that was scared out of his wit. He walked out and they walked to Science class, then Music, and finally PE.

When they got to PE, they both received uniforms with their names on it, with a picture of a intimidating bulldog on the front. They sighed and found their gym lockers. Ashton got nervous, seeing Calum shirtless. He never knew he got abs, like....rock hard abs. He blushed hard and took his off, having a amazing shaped body. Calum looked shocked to see his body so...."mature"

They left to the gym in their spots in a lane on a basketball court. The teacher, Mr. Benderes took their attendance and asked them to sit. He instructed that today was a free day. The boys all cheered, as soon as the whistle boew, they sped into the court. Calum got up to play some indoor soccer with a bunch of athletic guys. They separated into individual teams and began to play.

" GO CAL!" The girls cheered. A tint of red flooded Ashton's cheeks with jealousy. Calum looked at Ash and winked. He made every goal from everywhere on the court, squaring off others quickly and effortlessly. At the end, it was 70-1. Calum's team cheered and applauded. They went to go sit, Calum laid back onto the bleacher by Ashton.

" You should join the soccer team..."

" Maybe... Just for him I suppose. " Calum thought.
" Ok...I'll do it."

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