The Battle Of Athens

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The camp traveled swiftly using all flying horses and regular horses, they rushed to Athens as the gods battled Typhon. Typhon was destroying cities from Dasaki to Kierion.  Zeus, Apollo, Ares, Hera, Hephaestus, Dionysus, Demeter, Aphrodite, Hermes, Artemis were trying to hold him back but he kept coming. Poseidon was stuck in the water dealing with a war on his front, Hades lounged in the underworld as Persephone begged him to be of help to his family. 

The demigods got to Athens with a day to spare. They set up defenses quickly and secured the famous statue that was a walkway to Olympus if you knew the code. The army of Athens were mortals, a few demigods sons, and daughters of Ares and Athena. Cyrus talked with the demigods giving the usual speech if we live they have a safe home monster free at camp. Dillios worked with the Athena for battle strategy. The Ares cabin worked training soldiers as Hephaestus cabin made sure defenses were intact. The Apollo cabin cleaned their bows as the hunters did the same with their bows and swords. Dionysus and Demeter's cabin had grown plant walls and brought the nature spirits out to agree to fight in the battle. Hermes cabin set up trick places that looked like flanks that either exploded in Greek fire burning forever or sent flaming arrows. The Aphrodite cabin set their hair and makeup while making sure their sword was ready. 

Kronos walked across the field from the camp with his army around him. He was in Dextros body but you could not mistake the voice and golden glow, "surrender and lives will be spared we don't need to hurt your little group, the gods will fail either way. You have no chance Ας χαρίσουμε τη ζωή σας(We'll spare your lives)". Cyrus looked at Dillios "hold them off. Reinforcements will come, my brothers shall be here". Dillios raised his sword and screamed "No Surrender No Retreat Αγώνας μέχρι θανάτου(Fight to the death)!" Dillios charged with the cabins of Ares, Athena, and Hephaestus as the small army followed. The Apollo cabin and hunters shot arrows down as Aphrodite and Hermes' cabin sat on the flanks. Demeter cabin and Dionysus charged in the second wave. Dillios' sword clashed against the scythe of Kronos as Maya threw her spear piercing the titan Pallas they hit sword to shield as Maya stabbed and cut with her spear. Sophia charged into Menoetius clashing her sword at his sword they swung ferociously sparking metal. Poseidon battled Oceanus and his army at his palace; the walls shook as many of Poseidon's loyal troops died. The battle raged with Typhoons growing closer to Athens they had no chance without Poseidon. As the battle clashed Dillios saw Astraeus running to the throne, he turned as Kronos scythe sliced at his body missing his weak spot, the birthmark at his left ankle. Dillios slashed his sword upwards at the body of Dextros slicing his chest. 

As Astraeus reached the throne Cyrus returned with an army of Centaurs a 100 strong they stomped his body and cut him to pieces. Kronos retreated his remaining soldiers, a few giants and a few drakon the demigods were lowered but still high. The camp held ground shouting and screaming praise to each other. As they fell back to the statue the damage was seen. The small army they had was reduced to a 10 man squad of 8 demigods and two mortals. They had lost a total of 16 people from camp. 6 from Ares 4 from Hephaestus 3 from Athena and 3 from Demeter no leaders had died. They held a small burial service burning the bodies with their weapons. The gods were weakening as Hades appeared with Persephone to help, they gave energy to the gods and just then it felt like they had a chance. Typhon was at Thebes crushing speed to Athens as Poseidon's war was coming to an end he was on the losing side just as he felt someone sit upon his throne at Olympus he appeared in rage. Dillios looked at him "father glad to see you". Poseidon's anger wavered "son I could have killed you, I can't help you with this battle I'm on my own too". Dillios nodded "I don't need help, the titan Oceanus is weakened; he is the last of the titans beside Kronos and Typhon. Send a fatal strike I have faith in you to win, rebuilding is always possible". Poseidon stared at him "go to your battle I will take your advice". Just as Dillios started to leave "thank you Dillios, my boy". In a moment Poseidon was gone he gave the orders for a full-scale attack as his soldiers claimed suicide he spoke "I will kill Oceanus deal with his monsters". 

They struck with their last bit of strength taking the monsters off guard as Poseidon stabbed his trident through the chest of Oceanus. He ripped his head clean off and golden blood flooded the water. In a sudden wave, the monsters were dusted. Poseidon placed the head on his trophy wall and looked at his soldiers and his voice shook the water "this is a hard-fought victory we won with extreme casualties. I must attend to different matters, we will rebuild when I return". In a flash of golden light, he was gone. Poseidon appeared in front of the gods staring down Typhoon and swung his trident from the water into the titan exploding him. Hermes took advantage and sent the winds to carry the water to the ocean saving the cities. The gods looked around while Poseidon spoke "we can not interfere with the battle at Athens we have to watch from above or attack if Kronos makes it past the camp. Brothers, sisters we must have faith in our sons and daughters they will win the battle".

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