The Fallen Rise

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The camp mourned their losses when they returned. 

It had been six months since the titan war; it was December 10. Dillios and Sophia sat at the beach watching the sunset on the water they were on one of their hundreds of dates. Dillios leaned in to kiss her just as a spear landed between them "don't you try anything Dillios". Maya smiled staring at them from the hill. Sophia waved, "He's fine Maya, I double-checked his breath". Dillios bumped her and shouted, "Come on over Maya". They sat together watching the waves sweep over the sand. Dillios looked at them, "I've been having nightmares, the ground talking to me giants rising. You know the same shit", he confessed quietly.  Maya and Sophia stared at him as he went on, "I decided to talk with the oracle. I got a prophecy that no one's gonna like". Maya punched him in the shoulder, "That was for getting us another prophecy. Speak idiot", she snapped. Dillios looked to Sophia for her to nod as he started, "Well it went like this

'War falls like heavy winter

The giants rise to Olympus

The demigods must unite

Their blood will wake the earth

The gods must fight to their last breath

In Tartarus will the king rise'

 Maya stared at him and whined, "Why do we have to do more quests this is dumb". Sophia looked past them watching the mummified oracle walk across the sand, it walked up to them and sat in front of them. they stared dumbfounded as she spoke "

'7 must lead a quest

Death is where one stands

Daughter of Ares shall stand alone

Daughter of Athena must learn her true power

Son of Poseidon shall start the war

The gods must fight side by side with demigods' "

The oracle crumbled to dust as the three of them stared at each other Dillios broke the silence, "Everyone to bed, let's go", he whispered. They walked back to their cabins silently slipping into their bunks. Each of them dreamt none of it was good. Maya dreamt of standing against hundreds of monsters alone. Sophia dreamt of fighting with her sword as she calculated every knowledgeable factor in battle. Dillios dreamt of Hades palace again but this time it was worse. Giants and greek soldiers, demigods, and the most hideous monsters were reforming way too fast. The doors of death were releasing them by the dozens to the real world again. Dillios walked out of his cabin watching a centaur talk with Dionysus; he recognized the pendant he wore, it was the same one on Cyrus's bow. They talked in hushed tones as Dillios walked over, "That pendant, where did you get it"? He asked harshly. The centaur stared at him, "my brother Cyrus died in combat I was given the pendant in a package. I believe we've never officially met, Dillios. I am Ryos", he responded calmly. Dionysus looked at Dillios while speaking, "The oracle was destroyed Ryos tells me, in its replacement was a young teenage girl sent here with a letter from Apollo". Ryos looked at him as the girl walked out from behind him she was light-skinned with curly hair and looked no older than 19 nor younger than 17 her eyes glowed yellow, "I uh talked with the oracle and then it appeared on the beach with me, Maya and Sophia it gave us one last prophecy and crumbled to dust", he stammered. Ryos nodded as the girl blurted out "I'm the new oracle my name is Demi I can prove it". She recounted all the words that the oracle spoke last night as Dionysus watched in fear. He rubbed his head as Ryos and Dillios watched in amazement, "This can't be the war it can not start this soon it is not possible", he muttered.  Ryos patted him on the back, "It will be ok the demigods have proven themselves", he said while winking at Dillios. Dionysus nodded, "Demi you can have the oracle cabin it will be built by tonight or you can live in the big house", he offered with a forced smile. She looked at the big house and said, "I'll take a cabin, I'm not special".

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