The End Of The Demigods

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The gods spoke in hushed tones away from the demigods while Hades sent all the dead giants and Kelly to Tartarus. He looked back at his daughters and smiled proudly. The hole disappeared just as Hades disappeared. The Demigods cleaned their wounds and stopped the bleeding, but the damage was already done. Sophia wrapped her shoulder while leaning into Dillios' side. He smiled at her and sighed, "We definitely fucked up", Sophia looked up at him and shrugged. The seven of them would hold a scar that would signify the cause of Greece being destroyed. Maya and Thomas tried to talk with their father about helping the camp. They argued back and forth until Maya screamed, "I hate you, all you do is lie and let me down"! She went to hit Ares but Thomas pulled her back. Maya spat at the ground before continuing to speak, "The gods never want to help, you just want to see us do your bidding to save your asses". Zeus summoned his master lightning bolt and pointed it at Maya, "You dare beseech the names of the gods when we came to your rescue", he snapped. Leonidas launched himself in front of Maya, "Father try me, we all know the story of how a son will take your spot. If you dare lay a hand on any of us I will be the one to destroy you", he snarled. Zeus boiled with rage and raised his hand to throw the bolt. Athena spoke up before Zeus could fry his son, "Father if you attack these Demigods the war will begin, A majority of us will step down from our thrones. They will replace us before the real war starts, don't let the trickster control your mind". Dillios stepped forward while Sophia tried to pull him back. He looked up at Zeus and took a knee while speaking "This is my fault. Send us to Camp Demigod to give us the chance to fix it, I would like to ask for some help". Zeus shook his hand "No, you won't get help. You and the camp will fight on your own, Dionysus will be at Olympus. You will not have any godly help, this is your mess that means you will clean it up". Dillios nodded biting his tongue. Zeus turned away, "Everyone to Olympus so we can watch the mess these Demigods have created", he grunted. Artemis took a knee in front of the seven Demigods, "The hunters are ready to fight at camp", She said in a gentle tone. Zeus glared at her as she continued, "They are 30 strong, Leonidas will you please not pester your sister with questions''. Leonidas nodded as Dillios spoke up, "Thank you. When this is all over we have one question". Poseidon looked at Zeus as he spoke, "What is that my son". Sophia blurted it out before Dillios could respond, "We want to know what the real war is and how we can help''. Poseidon and Athena smiled as they spoke at the same time their words entwined together "The real war is the gods against the gods, some of us will die and we will be replaced by our strongest child. we don't know when it will happen but we fear it draws closer by the day". Dillios lifted riptide as Dionysus spoke, "They need to leave now, I can feel Gaea rising at the camp". Zeus glared at them with hatred while his tone felt destructive, "Don't die". Zeus snapped his fingers, in a flash they were standing at the border of camp surrounded by 123 demigods. 

Some cheered while others looked in fear, the Hermes and Hephaestus cabins set up traps. The hunters and Apollo cabin were in towers with bows and arrows their swords lay on the floor if needed. The Aphrodite cabin had set up weapons with the Dionysus cabin. The Athena cabin set the strategy and held the first line with Ares cabin. Demeter cabin held the second line with the Hephaestus cabin. The 7 demigods got to the front of the lines as Dillios spoke up loudly with a chilling tone "Αυτή είναι η μεγαλύτερη μάχη μας. Σήμερα δεν πολεμάμε σαν ημίθεοι ή παιδιά του Θεού.Σήμερα πολεμάμε σαν αδέλφια, πολεμάμε μέχρι την τελευταία μας πνοή σαν οικογένεια(This is our biggest fight. Today we don't fight as just Demigods or as the god's children. Today we fight together as brothers and sisters, we fight to our last breath as a family)". Gaea broke through the grass in front of them. She was a mere 7 feet tall. She grinned at the Demigods "Surrender or die, neither of you has a chance against me". Dillios smiled at her and spat at the ground. Ryos galloped to the side of Dillios "Dillios and Leonidas, you two must combine powers to defeat her, all of you must combine powers it is the only way". Gaea pulled out a sword that looked like a boulder with the grass covering the handle. She smiled at Dillios before speaking in a luscious tone, "Dillios come to me and fight at my side". Gaea"s charm spoken tone weighed Dillios down. He started to walk forward until Leonidas hit him in the head, "Snap out of it!" he shouted. She twirled her sword and sighed, "Oh well, you'll make a great prize after the battle", she said casually. Ryos galloped back and nodded to Selene, "Commence fire!" she yelled. Arrows rained down at Gaea. She smiled and waved her hand summoning the ground to make a shield above her, leaving the hunters and Apollo cabin useless. she snapped summoning an army of monsters, the campers charged into battle while the seven attacked Gaea head-on. 

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