Daughter Of The Wise

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The seven demigods geared for their war in the night and set out in the morning traveling from Sparta to Oxynia. They traveled on their flying horses, it was a far journey with monsters spread to block their attempts. They had to set down a day or two walk from Oxynia, when they landed in Phuloria it was close to midnight. Emilia and Zoi set up camp while Sophia made a fire with Thomas. Dillios and Leonidas set up a perimeter while Maya gathered the food.

 As Zeus spoke, the gods watched him, "Brothers, sisters, and children the giants are in full control of Oxynia, we must strike now". Apollo rushed to speak, "We can't. If we do, it will be a fight to our last breath". The gods mumbled between each other. Athena spoke up, "Have faith in our children, ready yourselves for battle. I have a plan, Gaea wants Dillios to start the war she thinks she can twist his mind to fight for her". The gods nodded as Apollo spoke, "She wants to get him out the way before they get to Oxynia, Sophia is the only one who can keep them on track". Poseidon looked at Athena, "If Gaea wants to control Dillios, he is the most broken soul out of the group", he muttered. The gods kept silent letting the words sink in. Athena nodded, "Dillios has been through the worst but she thinks it would make him easier to control, any strategist would", she retorted. Artemis stared at Zeus as she spoke, "Dillios is impossible to break, I took watch over him when he traveled. The spirits clung to him speaking, Gaea has been in his head since the battle of Thermopylae". The gods hung silent watching down as Dillios and Leonidas talked about how Sparta would prosper under their new king. Ares looked at Poseidon, "If he betrays us will we be able to count on you to do what is right",  he snarled. Poseidon summoned his trident, "Dillios defeated Kronos. I see no reason to doubt my son", he spat. Athena stood between them, "Dare try an attack, Ares, you'll die quickly. Dillios is our only chance at survival the kid may be broken but my daughter will heal him", she growled. The gods sunk back into their chairs as Zeus spoke calmly, "We must be ready, and keep an eye on Dillios we must not let him fall''. 

The gleaming rays of the sun penetrated the tent of the seven demigods, Dillios was the first to wake as he made breakfast for the group. They ate and talked about how they would reach Oxynia on the 14th and have six days to spare. They gathered their weapons and packed up after breakfast. They started to walk away when a ball of fire hit the ground in front of them. The seven demigods raised their weapons ready to fight, three Empousai stood in front of them, their hair and hands burning in flames as they bared their fangs, their wings extending. The Minotaur appeared behind them carrying three Basilisk, the green snakes breathed their poisonous fire ready to scorch the demigods. The lead Empousa spoke, "I am Kelly, the one on my right is Jane and my left is Detri. We will chase you forever to Oxynia, surrender so we can start this war early". Minotaur dropped the three snakes and let them circle the seven demigods. Dillios raised his hand as Emilia and Zoi watched him, they stomped on the ground creating cracks. The water Dillios was controlling flooded from the cracks killing the Basilisks with ease. Kelly hissed and thought of charm speaking, a power few Aphrodite children learn to control the minds of people to command them. Dillios raised his sword and stared the four monsters down, "Leave or die, we know we can't stop this war early but we will take as many targets as possible", he snarled. The Emposai laughed uncontrollably. Kelly grinned as she spoke, "Dillios, the son of Poseidon surrender to us and we will free your friends", her voice gleamed with charm speak. As Dillios was about to drop his sword Sophia grabbed him and pulled him behind her. Leonidas shouted, "You dare speak that tongue to my brother you will die for that"! Leonidas charged forward with Maya, Emilia, and Thomas while Sophia and Zoi led Dillios behind them. The Minotaur rushed swinging his ax to meet Leonidas' sword. They hit each other with such immense force that the ground shook. Leonidas looked in the eyes of the Minotaur "You are not strong enough, your legend is over". Maya held her shield against the flames from Kelly while Thomas kept dodging out the range and tried to charge shapeshifting at Detri. Emilia smiled walking through the flames from Jane, "Oh was that supposed to harm me", she teased. Her sword gleamed as her body began to transform into shadows, Jane launched at her trying to sink her fangs in her neck. Emilia teleported behind her and you could hear the sword stab through Jane's back coming out of her chest. Jane's scream was guttural with blood swishing around spewing out her mouth fire mixed. Kelly turned to see her sister start to wither away the dust flew with the winds as Emilia gripped up her sword. The distraction was enough for Maya to launch her spear at Kelly, she saw it coming at the last second and teleported away taking the Minotaur with her. Detri was left to fend for herself against four demigods, she bared her fangs and launched toward Leonidas. In a flash, dust consumed her body Leonidas had shot lightning out of his left hand where his shield used to be. 

They walked back to where Sophia restrained Dillios and kept his sword at her side, "Uh a little help over here", Zoi growled. Maya and Leonidas rushed over as they struggled to tie his arms behind his back. He kicked and thrashed, muttering unintelligible, Leonidas looked at Sophia, "Do you think you could learn charm speaking"? He asked softly. She frowned, "Athena was never keen on it and used her wits instead but I can use the style she has for it", she muttered.  Leonidas gripped his sword and stepped back, "Release him and stand back only interfere if you're sure you can handle him Sophia", he insisted. Emilia dragged Thomas and Zoi a few feet back from Dillios as Maya cut the rope and tossed riptide to the floor while pushing Sophia away. Leonidas looked at Dillios while speaking, "Stand brother and fight, they warp your mind". DIllios charged scooping riptide up before clashing against Leonidas. They dodged and swung connecting with eachother, "Leonidas, make sure not to harm him", shouted Sophia. The fight was mostly Leonidas defending himself until the light shone behind him two bears with the bottom half human walked through a portal. The five demigods on the sidelines tensed up for battle. The famous brothers Agrius and Oreius, known for eating demigods stood tall. They were followed by a Manticore, the face of a human, a lion's body but a scorpion tail that shoots poison spikes. The three monsters stood tall ready for battle as the sun started to rise, Sophia hit Maya "We wasted a day here it's seven left until doomsday, we have to move". Dillios charged past Leonidas not giving the monsters a chance to speak. He slashed at all three pushing Agrius and Oreius back as the Manticore scratched his arm and tried to stab his tail into his leg. Dillios dodged and fought tail to sword as the brothers regained their focus and their double-edged swords. Maya grabbed Leonidas and pulled him back before he could join the fight, "We have to leave Dillios can hold his own", she snarled. Sophia blinked away a tear ,"Dillios come back to me", she muttered. The words stung it wasn't charm speaking but it might as well been. Emilia and Zoi made a circle across from each other as the group held hands ready to shadow travel. Dillios kept the fight going until Agrius's sword cut his left side. It was the poisonous spike shot into the birthmark of his left ankle that made his body drained. He would fall unconscious and be an easy target. Sophia went to charge for him but Maya held her in the circle and screamed, "Dillios fall back"! He scrambled backward, swinging his sword wildly trying to not be hit. Dillios fell to Sophia's side as she grabbed him, a scream echoed as their bodies disappeared in the shadows. 

They appeared in Oxynia but a few miles from where the battle will take place. The land where the gods became the Olympians after killing the titans, they would either die or rise over the giants. Emilia collapsed as Zoi caught her looking shaky herself, "We uh may be out for a while, gonna need rest", she muttered before falling into Thomas' arms. Leonidas got the camp set up as Thomas tucked the girls into the tent. Dillios laid in his own blood unconscious from the scorpion's spike, Sophia and Maya had worked together to heal him with Ambrosia. Sophia pulled the spike out, seeing where it hit she hugged Dillios and held him close, Maya rubbed her back, "We'll be ok", she whispered. Dillios had been stabbed through the back while traveling, the scream shook Sophia to the core. Leonidas and Thomas started the fire as Sophia tucked Dillios in, Maya sat on a log watching the fire glow. The four of them sat there quietly knowing this could very well be their last fight. Sophia looked out at them as she spoke, "Dillios can die now". Maya looked down, not daring to say her plan. Leonidas looked at Sophia, "No one will die, we'll stop this war and everyone will be alive to see it", he whispered soothingly. Thomas looked at Maya, "Why did you want us to leave him behind", he demanded. She bit her lip, "Gaea wants Dillios to surrender, so I decided we could use that against them. If a son of Poseidon shall start the war then why not use the surprise against them, make it seem she has it won", she responded. Sophia glared at her, "what if they killed him, we can't risk that", she said tearfully Maya looked down, "I know, but it is the only plan we have. You don't know it but you learned your true power. You have learned all the strategies of life, you make the plans on the go or you plan ahead, you even learned an alternative charm speak". They all looked at each other smiling with fear hidden in it, Sophia looked at Thomas, "How long are Emilia and Zoi gonna be out"? she asked calmly. He looked at her, "A few days, gives us time to scout the ritual area and plan an attack", he responded quickly before sneaking off to bed. Leonidas pulled out his sword, "If Dillios can be controlled shouldn't we worry about how he might fight in battle"? He asked not knowing the answer himself. Sophia looked at him and then at Maya before she responded, "If we have to I'll control his mind". The days passed as Sophia led Thomas to scout the ritual area, they saw pillars and a figure on the floor that was the representation of Gaea, the mother of the earth. She was able to control the ground as Ouranos could control the sky. There was one day left. The night had started to consume the light, tomorrow would either be the end of the world or just the beginning.

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