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Hello! Back to a request, this is from @sirixishxppy

Heads up, this isn't cannon to the storyline like the previous parts have been, but rather a fun little what if scenario to enjoy!

I hope you enjoy reading it. :)
Dabi hated grocery runs. He knew they were necessary and all that, but among all the duties the league had he couldn't help but think maybe he'd be of better use literally anywhere else.

The only bright side he could think of while loading the gaze catching amount of groceries into a beat up car(purchased by Kurogiri just for said grocery runs), was that he hadn't been forced to take any tag alongs with him when going out.

If I'd had to listen to Jin ramble on about nothing, or keep Himiko from killing someone I would've lost it.

Dabi sighed as he slammed the trunk closed, lazily kicking the shopping cart back towards the storefront. Gotta admit, even if he's a pain sometimes at least Kurogiri can notice when I'm done.

The sound of cheering caught Dabi's attention.

Huh, what could that be? Dabi carefully veered away from the car towards the sound.

It wasn't too long before he found himself in the entrance of a large alleyway, the tight circle of excitedly cheering people marked it as a fighting ring.

Dabi leaned against the alley wall with a smirk and a chuckle. Look at how excited they all are...bet they've never seen a real fighter in their lives. For a moment Dabi entertained the thought of joining in, but he quickly dismissed that thought. Nah, Kurogiri would get upset if I was hurt. And I don't wanna risk drawing any more attention then I get just being me.

Dabi turned to leave...

Right as the smell of smoke reached his nose.

Dabi stopped in his tracks, slowly inhaling the terrifyingly familiar scent.

He was familiar with the different smells of smoke, from the stuff that came from the cigarettes of customers at the bar, to the nice stuff that came off of big camp or bonfires.

This was different, this smell...this smell almost matched the smell of the smoke that came off his own flames.

It couldn't be.

It couldn't.

He wouldn't ever be here.

It's probably just some rando.


Dabi turned on his heel and before he could process it he was shoving his way through the crowd, ignoring the yelled protests of people he pushed aside.

Finally he reached the front, shoving a burly guy out of his way-

He couldn't breathe.

Red hair, burning blue eyes, a shout of fury as flames flared around him.

Burnt skin on his arms, shaking limbs, puffy eyes, a rumpled button up burnt at the edges-

Dabi forced himself to exhale. It's...it's him.

Enji swung one last time, his opponent crumpling before desperately calling out he gives.

The crowd was cheering around him, a man in a big hat rushing out to yell something as his hand reached for but didn't quite land on Enji's still flaming shoulder.

None of it mattered.

All that mattered was the broken look in Enji's eyes despite his sneer.

Dabi knew that look only too well.

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