Residing Warmth

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This wasn't a request but you're getting it anyways.

A nice little one shot with heavy angst and backstory, enjoy~
Toya leaned on the wall outside of Enji's room, closing his eyes as he listened to the sobs within.

It was his birthday, but instead of a family ready to celebrate him all Enji got was Toya. Rei had gone somewhere with Fuymi and Natsuo, and their father had taken Shoto out for more training.

Leaving just the two of them home.

Toya looked up at the ceiling. Not too much longer kid. A shoebox of secretly made money hidden under his bed, almost enough for a bag of food and two tickets out of town. Then him and Enji could be free of all this bullshit.

He probably should go out, take advantage of his parents absence to make more money.

The muffled crying from inside the room kept his feet from moving.

He doesn't get it yet. Toya sighed as he closed his eyes tightly again. I need to go now.

Despite that, he stepped into Enji's room.

Enji was curled up on his bed, one of his hands pressed to his chest while the other was held over his mouth in an attempt to stop the sound coming from it.

Toya felt his heart twist as he sat down on the edge of Enji's bed. "Hey..."

Enji startled a moment, eyes locking on Toya for a moment before quickly turning so he couldn't look at his face. "G-go away..."

"Come on...don't be like that." Toya sighed as he lightly grabbed Enji's shoulder and rolled him onto his back. "Let me see."

Enji hesitated before sitting up and holding out the hand he'd been keeping close to his chest.

It took everything within him to not wince as he looked at the burn across Enji's palm.

"I...I just wanted to train..." Enji whispered, eyes not meeting Toya's, already looking like he was seconds from crying.

Toya already knew what had happened, the same thing that had happened the last few birthdays. Enji demanding that their father train him like Shouta, only for their father to laugh and mock him, pushing him til he burned himself before dismissing him.

It made Toya's blood boil but he couldn't stop it.

Toya sighed as he grabbed the first aid kit that rested next to Enji's bed. "Clean that up. I don't have time to babysit you." Toya grit his teeth as he started to take care of the burn on his palm. "I know. You should stop asking him to train you. He's never going to do it."

"...I know..." Enji whispered. "I just...I just-I-"

Toya pulled Enji into a hug, ignoring the uncomfortable heat rising off his little brother. "I know. I know." Toya looked at the wall. I need to go out, get more money, then we can stop spending our days like this.

But the soft sobbing against his shoulder was all it took for Toya to know he couldn't leave. To hell with it, I can't leave on his birthday.

"Hey. Mom left me some money to buy dinner. How about we get out of the house and have a bit of fun? Maybe some ramen and then mochi?" Toya pulled back to smile down at Enji.

Enji rubbed his eyes, before hesitantly smiling back at him. It was wobbly, and tears were still in his eyes but Toya could see the hope. "Y-yeah."

Toya smiled as he ruffled Enji's hair. "There we go, I'll go get the cash, you grab yourself a jacket okay?"

Enji quickly nodded as he slid off his bed. Toya stood and stretched til his shoulders let out a small pop before heading to the kitchen where Mom had left the money.

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