Chapter 18 The battle of New Orleans

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I was pacing in the office as Hayley rechecked her phone

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I was pacing in the office as Hayley rechecked her phone. We were waiting for Elijah to tell us that he found Jackson. "Elijah should have called by now," Hayley said as she looked up from her phone worryingly.

"Worrying isn't going to help." I heard an annoying voice said from the doorway.

"Why are you here?" I asked her as she came closer to me.

"I'm here to help with the moonlight rings." She said as she twirled her red hair.

"Not here in the compound. I meant here in this room, you stupid shrew." I rolled my eyes at her.

"You should sit down, try to keep calm." She said to me gently. I ignored her as I continued to pace. "The treatment of pregnant women has advanced remarkably since I was a nurse, but even I know high blood pressure is bad for you and your baby, especially now that you're so close to term."

I sighed and sat down just to shut her up. "I hate this. I feel completely useless." Hayley said from the side.

"Don't you get it? You're the point of all this." Genevieve said. "Klaus and Elijah running all over town, it's all for you." she looked down at me. "I'm a bit envious." I looked up at her and rolled my eyes.

"You're envious of me or the situation?" I asked as she looked shocked. "I have seen the way you look at Nik. You fell for him just like every other girl out there. the only difference between you and them is that he let you have a taste." I smirked at her. "But that is about all he let you do." I stood up from my spot. "I see it in your eyes. The wanting for him to treat you as a friend and not an enemy. The wanting to hold him longer than he lets you. the want to be the one he confides in when he is upset." I watched her face fall as I described her to a T. "I have seen it many times over the years. And it's more fun to watch them fall than actually do anything about them at all." I stepped closer to her as she shuffled back. "But I learned something over the years that everyone learns eventually. He will always come back to me, no matter who gets a taste and who doesn't. He will always belong to me." I said as I stepped around her. I left her there with her emotions visible on her face.

"Did you really have to do that?" Hayley asked as she dialed Elijah's number.

"She did say to relax. And now I'm relaxed." I sighed as I sat down on the steps near her. She smiled as she turned to talk on the phone.

After a few hours of pacing and waiting, Hayley and I were getting worried. Our pacing wasn't exactly helping each of us stay calm, but it was better than sitting still.  Her head turned towards the door as we heard it open. I stepped over to see Elijah helping Jackson in the room. "Thank God you're alive," Hayley said as she went to help Jackson. She hugged him when they were close.

"Where's Erik?" I asked as I watched them move towards the couch.

"He stayed with the pack. He's okay." Jackson answer as he slumped on the couch.

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