Chapter 54 No More Heartbreaks

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My eyes snap open when someone calls my name in the distance. I looked up to see Cami leaning over me. I sat up with a fogginess that I couldn't shake off. "Dawn, do you remember what happened last night?" She asks me as she helps me to my feet. I wobbled onto my feet as last night's events rushed back.

"Lucien came after me. But he bit you." I said as I pushed her sleeve up to reveal the wound. "I must have gotten mad and hurt him." I glanced around the room and then down at the pools of blood. "Then everything went blank." I said as my hand rested against my forehead while another wave of pain ran through my head. "We need to get to the compound," I said as my eyes fluttered at the light.

"You can barely stand, let alone walk," Cami said with worry laced through her voice.

"You're the one that got bit, yet you're worried about me," I said as I walked through the door with her behind me. "If we don't go to the compound, how else will we find a cure for that?" I said as we sped out the door.

As the wind whipped around me while my body rammed into the bricks of buildings with Cami by my side, we made it back to the compound. I leaned against the entryway as my head spun a bit more. Cami knelt down next to me as she yelled out. "Klaus! Klaus?" she yelled out a few times.

"What is it?" He said as he was in front of us instantly, worry written all over his face.

"Something happened, and you're gonna be angry, but Lucien wants you to be angry." Cami began to explain as she helped me to my feet again. I took a deep breath and felt a slight sting in my head. "He's trying to lure you into a trap."

"What did he do?" Klaus asked, getting a bit annoyed.

"Promise me you won't fly off the handle and do something crazy." Cami continued as she stared into his eyes. "Promise me."

I watched as his line of sight went down to her bloodied sleeve. He looked distraught as he pushed the fabric up to reveal the open wound; however, his eyes snapped towards me. "He didn't bite you, right, love?" he asked me with wishful eyes.

"I'm clean." I sighed as I stood up straight. "But before you lose one emotion, you must stay as calm as possible."

"Klaus, look at me," Cami said as she made him look at her. Her hands rested on his face as his eyes came back to hers. "I love you. And I won't let you get yourself killed." She explained as I rolled my eyes at her confession. I watched as her body gave out in his arms as I stepped closer to them. "I just wanted you to know, just in case...."

"You say anything, and I will-..." Klaus carried her in his arms as he glanced back at me. I felt another sting in the back of my head as I felt something drip from my nose. My hand went up to wipe it away as Klaus's eyes widened. I looked down at the red strain that colored my fingers. My eyes connected with his blue ones. The dizziness came back to my head, fogging up my sight. "Damn," I said as my body fell to the side but never made it to the pavement. My eyes were met with the scared blue ones only for a moment before they shut completely, welcoming darkness and stillness.


My head was killing me when I opened my eyes again. I groaned as I sat up. My hand rested against my forehead as I glanced around the room. "Look who's awake." I heard a voice say next to me.

"What happened?" I asked as I kept my head down and away from the light.

"You must have used a lot of magic against Lucien to reduce yourself to this state." They explained as I glanced up to see who it was. Freya stood next to my bed, holding a glass of water. "Or you were fighting against the ancestors. Either way, it weakens you a bit."

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