Chapter 22 Every mother's son

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I marched down the stairs as Hayley stood next to a table full of food

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I marched down the stairs as Hayley stood next to a table full of food. She picked up a grape and popped it into her mouth as I passed the table, only grabbing an apple on the way. "So, which restaurant's missing a compelled chef?" She asked as she continued to eat the grapes. I turned to look at her when I heard some footsteps come in from the left.

"Certainly, a card I've played in the past, but I had no hand in this," Klaus said as he stepped up to the table. He then turned to me. "Where are you going?"

Ignoring his question, I pointed at the table. "I guess we have Elijah to thank for that."

"This wasn't my doing," Elijah said as he came down the stairs.

I glanced at them as they all wondered about the table. I really didn't want to stick around for the table problem, so I turned and left through the door without another word. I sighed as I heard my phone vibrate as I walked down the street. I pulled my phone out and checked the message. It was from Klaus. he must have seen me leave while dealing with the table. Where did you go? I quickly texted back. Be back later. I know it's mean not to tell him anything about my day, but it will be interesting when I get back.


 I was sitting outside of Rousseau's, waiting for a certain witch. I was staring down at one of the moonlight rings that I took off the wolves from the other night. I heard Hayley talking to Oliver this morning about him meeting Cassie. But knowing the witches, they won't be letting their precious harvest girl go anywhere without a guard. So, I knew Oliver wouldn't be meeting Cassie but one of her followers. So, this is an excellent opportunity to ask questions. "That ring comes at a price, and you'll begin paying for it today." I heard a voice from inside the bar. Within a few moments, I watched a man walk out of the bar wearing a suit. I stood up from my seat and came over to him. he turned to leave and stepped right in front of me. he stared down at me with surprise. "You vampires just don't know when to quit."

"You must be Vincent that I have heard so much about," I said as I placed my hands on my hips. "I have a few questions for you." I watched as his composer returned as he held out his hand to me.

"It's nice to meet you, Miss...." He said as I stared down at his hand. Does he really think I am going to take it? "Okay, well, it would be nice to know your name too so that this goes a bit more smoothly." He said with a smile as he pulled his hand away. "I would be happy to answer any questions that you have. How about over some tea or coffee? I know this lovely little café around the corner."

"This isn't a date, Vincent." I scoffed.

"I never said it was," he said as he turned back to me. "I just thought it would be better if we sat down and talked." He smiled.

"Why?" I asked as I looked up at him. This nice act was a bit confusing. One minute he's threatening werewolves, and the next, he's nice to me like we're friends.

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