Chapter 47 Dead Angels

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I listened for my prey to walk down the sidewalk. I watched the newly turned vampire talk on her phone with my back leaning on the lightly glowing brick wall. I watched as she placed the miniature wooden horse that my daughter had grown fond of in her purse. I stepped out of the shadows and slowly followed her as she made her way to her car. "I'm guessing you might be a little bit mad right now." She smiled into her phone as I instantly knew who she was talking to. "But trust me, you have nothing to worry about. I just want back what's mine." She explained as she strutted down the walkway. "Starting with my dark objects, and I figured I needed to get your attention, so do I have it?"

"In point of fact, you do." I listened to Klaus's voice come through the call.

"Good." She smirked. "Then we'll be in touch." She hung up the phone as she climbed into her car. Before she could start it, I sped over to her, pulling her out of the car and straight into the dark alley close by. My hand gripped her throat as I held her against the brick.

"Where is it?" I asked her as her eyes adjusted to the sudden movements. She's a newly turned vampire. For her, Even the slightest movements take a bit to get used to. She looked at me, a little confused. "The wooden horse that you stole to get back at Nik. Where is it?"

"Wow, I thought it would have taken you a bit longer to find me or even figure it out that I took it." Her confused face melted away into a smirk.

"Yeah, the sad routine that you played with Hayley won't work on me. I had a sister that did you the same thing." I explained as she huffed slightly. "Plus, when I went to tuck in Hope, her little toy that she has been playing with for a few months was gone. If she wakes up and doesn't see that thing, she will cry."

"But she has her mother with her, right?" Cami said as she tried to lean off the wall a bit. "Or have you been spending too much time with your husband that you re-married? Didn't have enough time to rekindle yet?"

I rolled my eyes at her attempt to annoy me. "Funny," I stated as I reached inside her bag and pulled out the wooden toy. "You need to try a bit harder if you want to get under my skin." I held up the toy to show her. I leaned off her and took a step back while resting one hand on my hip. "I get it. You're a new vampire. You need time to adjust, and also, you don't want people breathing down your neck. Plus, you wanted to get under his skin." I tilted my head slightly as her face changed as I talked to her. "Next time, leave my daughter out of it," I said as I turned away from her while placing the toy into my jacket pocket. I didn't make it halfway out of the alley when I felt a presence behind me, reaching for my neck. I instantly turned around and caught her hands as the look of surprise ran across her face. I smirked at her as I shoved her back. I glanced down to see a broken crate on the ground. She instantly found her footing and sped towards me. However, I was quicker.

I ripped off a chunk of wood and rammed it into her stomach. She groaned and coughed as she held her stomach, falling to the ground. She leaned on her knees as blood-soaked her shirt. I stood tall over her, gloating a bit. "The only reason that you are still alive is because some people in this town still care about you." 

"Like your husband?" She snapped the response at me. I raised my eyebrow at her. Does she really have no filter anymore?

I sighed out and instantly kicked my foot out. My boot rammed into her head, sending her slamming into the pavement under her. "I don't know if you haven't noticed, but I have the upper hand here. I already don't like you because of what happened the other day, and I have yet to pay you back for that. But, if you have a death wish, go right ahead at playing the cocky new vampire. " I said as I picked up my foot and placed it on the wood that pierced through her stomach. I watched as her face contorted with pain as she gasped out. "See where that gets you." I felt slight heat in my face as I stared down at her. "I would suggest not doing something this stupid again." I pushed the wood in further. "Got it?" She didn't respond because of how much pain she was in at the moment. "I won't ask again."

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