Chapter 33 Save my soul

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I groaned a bit as I opened my eyes. My body almost felt stiff and tight in many areas. I rolled in the bed as I felt a few bones pop. I sighed while sitting up in the bed, pulling the sheet up to keep it from falling. I glanced around the room to see that Klaus had already left. I paused when I saw a red stain on the once-white sheets. I pulled up the reddened blankets as I continued to look down at the bloodstains. I looked back to see that the headboard was in pieces as well. I rolled my eyes at the scene. "Just like old times, I guess." I sighed out as I ran my hand through my messy hair.

"Yes, the only difference is that I only left the bed because of our child." My head snapped at the sound of his voice. I looked up to see Klaus with no shirt and dried blood covering his body. He smirked at me as he made his way across the room.

"I thought you left," I said as I adjusted the sheet against my chest.

"I would have if my two favorite girls weren't here." He said as he leaned over his side and kissed the top of my head.

"Did you check on her while like that?" I gestured towards his bloodied body. His smirk never wavers as he sits down next to me.

"Yes, but at that point, the bite marks had healed, Love," he stated while I rolled my eyes.

I rested my head in my hands for a moment before running them through my hair again. "Maybe I should just get a nanny at this point." I sighed out. I heard a slight growl coming from next to me. "Don't growl at me," I said as I pulled the sheet with me. I stood up from the bed and made my way to the closet.

"You know, love, I have seen every inch of your body many times." I heard him whisper in my ear. "You don't have to hide." I felt his arms wrap around my body and slowly pull on the blood-stained silk.

"It's not for you." I elbowed him in the stomach, making him let go. "Did you expect me to stay here while you have lunch with your long-lost sister that had something to do with our son's death?" I asked as I picked out some clothes for the day.

"I thought you were asleep, love." he sighed as I pushed past him. "Elijah told me to hear her out, and that is what I'm doing." He stated as I started to head for the bathroom.

"And that's I'm going with Hayley to test the powers of the new hybrids while the three of you caught up," I said as I stepped into the bathroom. I was more upset that she was coming here there anything else.

"Then who will watch Hope?" he asked as he leaned on the door frame.

"The nanny," I stated as I rolled my eyes at him. "I will, you idiot."

"Just stay up here, and you will never have to see her." he smiled. "Plus, you can watch Hope, and I can still have you close without worrying about you and the pup."

"How did I know you would say something like that?" I stepped closer to the door. "Oh, yeah. Because I know you." I said as I closed the door. I heard his laugh on the other side as I rolled my eyes and jumped in the shower to wash off the blood.


 I rolled my eyes as I walked downstairs to see the woman that wanted to talk to me. I listened to my sleeping child as I turned the corner and stepped into the dining room. "Wow, twice in a week," I said as I looked at the person I really didn't want to talk to right now.

"I wanted to..." she said from her spot at the table.

I turned to the side table and pulled out a glass. "First, you apologized for killing my son many years ago. Then, you stopped me from killing Finn for not only threatening my child," I poured some very needed scotch in my glass. "But also, for murdering someone who is like a brother to me and who is really his." I gestured in the air with the cup. I lifted the glass up to my mouth as I heard her shift slightly in her chair. "Now, you want to talk?" I chuckled out as I turned to look at her. "What exactly could you tell me that I don't already know?" I stepped over towards the table and sat down at the other end, far away from her. "Besides your sad life with your evil Aunt?"

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