lunchbox friends

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It was just as hard as Schlatt imagined, The whole class he could not pay attention to almost anything Jack was saying. He was so focused on the same stupid boy. Luckily he only had that one class with him, So he didn't have to deal with it too much. Until now.

His plan started out roughly but he was still going to be his chill laid back float around self, So when he walked into the lunchroom a few minutes later then most people do he scanned the tables for who he would start off the year with. His eyes go past the popular table, The football table, The goth table, The nerd table, The alt girl table, The random tables that switch all the time, The drama tables, And right near the few empty tables was two people sitting together at an empty circular table.

A 6'5 brown curly haired boy, And a 6'4 pink long haired boy sitting right next to the other except criss cross.


Schlatt was confused, And concerned, And overall absolutely out of his own mind. Should he go over and say hello to Techno? But then he has to voluntarily go sit near Wilbur and talk to him! Which probably wouldn't be terrible, But it would be awkward. He'd have to pretend to have just noticed him in english. Maybe he could bring up that he'd say him at church once or twice, Then maybe it'd be more beliveable.

Schlatt was just standing there thinking for almost a minute straight with a confused look on his face(like this 🤔). So eventually Wilbur actually noticed the boy standing there.

[wilbur italic,techno bold,schlatt normal]

"tech, do you know who that kid is? he's kinda just been standing there for a minute?.."
"oh shit, i do"
"what the fuck did you yell for"
"well he was obviously thinking about something, and now he's coming over here so it worked"
"uh oka- "
"schlatt my buddio! i haven't seen you in over a year! how's everything been?"
"pretty good pretty good, just been chilling with the family you know, jesus just had his 15th birthday so that was definitely funner when it's not yours!"
"i bet it is, how's that uh thing going.. yk?"
"oh oh yeah, it's been a little rough lately, i don't honestly know what's going on, and it's changed sense last time we talked, now there is a actual person"
"THERES A PERSON?!! bro im so proud of you!"
"don't get your hopes up, probably just a one way thing yk, i barely even know em yet"
"ohh is it the one? from last time?"
"yep, worse now though, it's like way worse, i'll go into more detail later because uh"
Schlatt nudged Techno's arm
"fuck i kinda forgot he was here, have you two met?"
"not formally i don't think? but hey! i'm Schlatt, i think we have english together?"
"ohh yesyes i'm Wilbur, i think i saw you in english, you sit behind me right?"
"yeah ahah"
"ooo im sorry, people tell me i sometimes am in the way of seeing so if i am ever in your wag just let me know"
"bro seriously, you're not THAT tall, you are probably the same height as me"
"HAH i doubt that! stand up and turn around"
"what the fuck?..."
"so Techno can compare our heights, come on"
"alright alright"

So Schlatt, Techno, And Wilbur all stood up, Schlatt and Wilbur standing back to back slightly touching. If you thought Schlatt was crazy earlier here he is now, Basically and inch away from his loverboy.


"woah woah what was that?"
"i'm taking a picture dumbass, so that i can show you proof"
"okay okay fine just show us"

And Techno did just that. He flipped his phone around to show Wilbur and Schlatt the photo and Wilbur immediately started laughing.

"that is definitely like a 3 inch difference! how tall ARE you?!!"
"i'm 6'2! i'm not THAT short! how tall are you?!"
"HAHHA you are 6'2??!! i'm literally 6'5!!! i definitely win this, no debates!"
"my god fineee, but just because in sick of hearing you laugh, gonna give me a migrane"
"sureeee short boy"

And so it continued, They ended up talking in their group of three the whole lunch period, Wilbur and Techno exchanged phone numbers with Schlatt too so that they can keep in touch. Schlatt whispered something to Techno right before lunch ended too which led to a very loud and questioning Techno "HMMMMM?!"

Wilbur never actually got told when the two met or how they know eachother, Which is quite suspicious sense Techno is basically like the older brother Wilbur never had, And they tell eachother basically everything. Wilbur is definitely confused what's going on between the two, And wants to get to the bottom of it eventually.

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