3rd POV
Night-time came a yellow and green Koro-2 speeder stops and a female hunter name Zam climbs out walking to see a figure in armour walking around the corner Zam said "I hit the ship, but they used a decoy" The Figure said, "We'll have to try something more subtle this time, Zam" Zam stare at him "My client is getting impatient".
The Figure holds a cylinder "Take these" Inside are two worm creatures Zam takes the cylinder "Be careful, they're very poisonous" Zam turns to walk "Zam, there can be no mistakes this time" Zam covers her face and walks around the corner.
Meanwhile back at Padme building Anakin stands arms behind him without his cloak he looks to see Obi-Wan arrive he said "Captain Typho has more than enough men downstairs" Obi-Wan takes his cloak off while Anakin walks forward said "No assassin would try that way" Obi-Wan put his cloak on the couch he ask, "Any activity up here".
Anakin stops he said, "Quiet as a tomb" Obi-Wan walks to him "I don't like just waiting for something to happen to her" Obi-Wan pulls out a device that beeping he ask, "What's going on" Anakin looks then turns to the direction behind him he said "Ah, she covered the cameras" Obi-Wan looks at Anakin "I don't think she liked me watching her".
Obi-Wan walks pass ask "What is she thinking" Anakin turns said "She program R2 and R3 to warn us if there is an intruder" Obi-Wan stops staring at the hall while Padme sleeps in her room Obi-Wan said "There are many other ways to kill a senator" R2 and R3 are offline next to one another Anakin said, "I know, but we want to catch this assassin, don't we Master".
Obi-Wan turns to Anakin then walks forward said "You're using her as bait" He cross his arms while Anakin moves a bit he said, "It was her idea" He nods "Don't worry, no harm will come to her" Anakin takes a breath "I can sense everything going on in that room" He looks back to Obi-Wan "Trust me" Obi-Wan turns said, "It's too risky".
He takes a breath "Besides, your senses aren't that attuned, my young apprentice" Anakin looks at Obi-Wan he ask, "And yours are" Obi-Wan looks back to Anakin leans a bit forward he said "Possibly".
Meanwhile Zam has a golden ASN-121 droid she place the cylinder in the front the droid takes it turns and leaves heading for the building while Anakin look out from the balcony turns to Obi-Wan who has his arms cross "You look tired" Anakin lower his gaze a bit he said, "I don't sleep well anymore" Obi-Wan ask "Because of your mother".
Anakin slowly nods he turn his gaze said, "I don't know why I keep dreaming about her" He stares forward while Obi-Wan walks forward he said, "Dreams pass in time" He stop as Anakin nods said, "I'd much rather dream about Padme" He looks to Obi-Wan walking to him "Just being around her again is, intoxicating".
Obi-Wan walking next to him he said, "Be mindful of your thoughts, Anakin" He looks to Anakin "They betray you" Anakin keeps walking "You've made a commitment to the Jedi order, a commitment not easily broken" The keep walking "And don't forget, she's a politician, and they're not to be trusted".
Anakin looks to Obi-Wan turning to him he said "She's not like the others in the senate, Master" Padme continues to sleep Obi-Wan said "It is my experience that senators focus only on pleasing those who fund their campaigns, and they're in no means scared of forgetting the niceties of democracy..."
Meanwhile ASN-121 arrives outside the window "...in order to get those funds" R2 and R3 continue to stay offline Anakin said, "Not another lecture" The droid turns uses four green beams "At least not on the economics of politics" It created a square window going close it uses a laser to make a hole in the window while R2 and R3 continue offline.
Star Wars Attack of the Clones
FanfictionMy previous star wars stories got deleted by Wattpad so I decided to refresh them